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[ Jake and Johnnie are in highschool!^_^ ]

TW: bullying, self-harm, mental illness


Johnnie is seated in the back of the class, trying to comprehend his math quiz. But it just wasn't processing in his head. He didn't have the motivation for this. Suddenly his head lifted up, seeing Jake walk into the class. He just rolled his eyes.

"You're late, again." The teacher told Jake.

Sorry, teacher.” Jake said, walking to his seat. “I’ll be more on time next time.” He looked over at Johnnie, his expression softening. “You okay, Johnnie?”

Johnnie gave a small nod, he wasn't really. His depression has been hitting him hard since his father's passing. He just pointed to the test.

Jake looked down at the test, his eyes widening slightly. “Johnnie, I don’t think you’re in the right mindset to take this test right now.” He said, leaning closer to Johnnie. “Do you want to take it later, or just leave it for today?”

"Leave me alone Jake, you're failing your classes too. Go do yours," Johnnie whispered and pushed Jake back.

Picking up his pencil, and just staring at the questions with confusion. His dyslexia was making this even more difficult to understand the material.

Jake sighed, sitting down next to Johnnie and beginning to explain the questions to him. He did his best to simplify them, but the teacher’s teaching methods were difficult to understand. He kept looking over at Johnnie, hoping that he was able to follow along.

Johnnie whispered, "If the teacher catches you, you're dead." As he is scribbling down answers. “I know, but I’m doing this because I care about you.” Jake whispered back, leaning in to see if Johnnie had finished answering the questions.

Johnnie flipped his paper over. Shoving Jake's head, "Go do yours." The teacher suddenly spoke up, "Johnnie, Jake. Voices down."

Jake quickly turned around, trying to look as innocent as possible. “Yes, ma’am.” He said, trying to hide his blush. He looked over at Johnnie, his expression softening. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to distract you.”

Johnnie didn't reply, he's just trying his best to work on the other side of the test. He glanced over, seeing Jake working on his now.

Jake focused on his own test, but occasionally looked over at Johnnie to see how he was doing.

He felt bad for Johnnie, knowing that he was struggling with his dyslexia. He wanted to help him, but didn’t want to distract him from his own test.

Once both teenagers finished the test, they walked up to the desk. A kid shouts, "EMO!!!" which made the entire class laugh. Johnnie just rolls his eyes.

Jake’s head snapped towards the voice, his expression hardening. “Shut up.” He said, glaring at the kid. “You don’t know anything about him, so keep your mouth shut.”

The student just shrugs and laughs. "Hey, hey, emo! You should like uh- slit your wrists and shit!"

Johnnie takes a deep breath, and just walks out of the classroom. He was used to the bullying at this point, but it still got to him.

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