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[ wholesomeness :D ]
[ Johnnie puts on lipstick :3 and Jake notices!! ]
CW: heavy kisses!!!!!!


Johnnie is currently in his bathroom, applying his makeup like usual. Adding the dark black eyeshadow on his top lids and bottom, and adding some black eyeliner and smudging it with his fingers, Humming.

Jake knocked on the door and called out, "Are you almost done in there?"

"Almost!" Johnnie called back. Grabbing out a bright bold lipstick, he hasn't worn lipstick in awhile, and he hasn't worn it around Jake before.

His heart skips a beat at the thought. He opened the lipstick and leaned forward, applying the bright red lipstick onto his lips.

Jake waits outside, leaning against the wall. Johnnie felt nervous as he looked at himself in the mirror.

The bright lipstick was super bold compared to his pale skin and dark eye makeup. He likes the contrast. He opened the door.

Jake was stunned by Johnnie's beauty. The contrast of the bold lipstick and dark makeup made him look even more attractive than usual.

"Hey," Johnnie's lips crept up as he smiled at Jake with the bold cherry red lipstick on. He then walks past Jake and down the stairs.

As he walks down the stairs, Jake admires the way the lipstick accentuates his lips and the way his hair falls perfectly around his face.

Jake followed Johnnie into the living room and sits down on the couch next to him. He can't help but stare at his lips, which are so enticing.

Johnnie is scrolling on his phone, but lifted his gaze when he noticed Jake was looking at him. "What?" he asked.

Jake looks away, embarrassed that he was caught staring. "Nothing," he says, trying to sound nonchalant. "I was just admiring your makeup."

Johnnie felt a bit flustered. "Oh, heh.. uh, thanks Jake. um, I haven't worn lipstick in years and I decided to give it a try again."

"Well, it looks great on you," Jake says, sounding supportive. He can't help but notice that he's blushing a bit. "Did you wear it just for me?"

Johnnie's face increased with blush as his blue eyes dart to look at the device in his hands.

Jake smiled at his reaction. It's cute how flustered he is. He leaned closer to him and gently touch his chin, turning his face towards me. "Can I ask you something?"

Johnnie's face gets lifted up and he looks up at Jake. He nods his head, "Mhm."

"Did you wear the lipstick for me?" The punk asks, voice soft and low.

Johnnie felt a bit embarrassed, but he sheepishly nodded his head. Jake leaned in closer to him, and could feel his breath on his face.

"I appreciate the effort," he says, voice barely above a whisper. He can't help but feel drawn to him.

"Do you like it?" Johnnie asked softly, his blue eyes softening as he looks up at the punk.

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