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[ Johnnie is clingy of Jake :3 ]

(Y'all need sum wholesomeness)


"Don't go.." Johnnie sleepily mumbled as his grip tightens around Jake, the two are currently laying together in the emo's bed.

"Hey, you know I have a busy schedule. I'm going to be streaming all day tomorrow. Can't have my fans waiting, right?" Jake chuckles.

Johnnie whined in response to that, he lays his head onto Jake's chest. "Yes, but that's tomorrow..not todayy."

Jake gets up and stretches, looking back at Johnnie. "Are you going to be okay if I leave?"

"Noooo." Johnnie sits up and hugs onto Jake's arm. The punk never saw Johnnie this clingy before.

Jake chuckles. "Aw, is someone a little clingy? I didn't know you were this needy."

"Shut the fuck up," Johnnie tucks his face into Jake's neck. Kissing the three star tattoos. "I will ruin your daily routine," he teased.

Jake laughs and kisses his head. "I'm not worried about my routine, I'm worried about you being clingy all day." He pulls Johnnie closer, wrapping his arms around him.

"Hnfff..." Johnnie keeps his face close to Jake's neck, kissing his jawline and such. "Why do you have a routine anyway..?"

Jake suddenly pauses. "Hold on. Are you okay with me being autistic? Some people don't like it, and I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Johnnie felt suddenly confused. He lifts his head. "Of course I'm fine with that, you got diagnosed awhile ago and i always made little jokes on it for our YouTube channels. Wait....why are you asking me that?"

Jake looks down, not meeting Johnnie's gaze. He's worried that Johnnie will be weirded out or not want to be with him anymore.

"Hey, hey. where is this coming from..?" Johnnie frowns a bit. He lifts Jake's head and holds his face. "I love you, because you're Jake."

Jake is surprised by the gesture, but he smiles warmly. He leans into Johnnie's touch, feeling a little better."I love you, too. I just didn't want you to think I was weird or something."

"We're both weird." Johnnie reassured, kissing Jake's lips. He then pulls back, "And that's okay."

Jake smiles wider and pulls Johnnie back in for another kiss, this time with more passion. He doesn't care if they're weird, as long as they're weird together.

Johnnie pulls back, and watches Jake get up. Then... the clingy behavior comes back, he stands up and clings onto Jake.

Jake notices that Johnnie is clinging to him more than usual, and he raises an eyebrow. "Are you okay? You're clinging to me more than usual."

Johnnie avoids the question, he peppers Jake's face with kisses before he tucks his face back into Jake's neck.

Jake lets Johnnie pepper his face with kisses, and he holds him close. He runs his fingers through Johnnie's hair, trying to get him to relax. "Hey, Johnnie. Can you look at me for a second?"

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