☆Social Isolation☆

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[ Johnnie has been cold and distant towards Jake since his depression has been getting to him, and Jake helps him through it ]

TW: depression, negative thoughts, mental illness, S/H.


It's been about a week or so, and Johnnie hasn't left his room. His bedroom door is locked, and he has been sleeping all day and staying awake all night.

Jake frowns at the news, walking over to Johnnie's door and knocking. "Johnnie? Are you okay?" He calls out, trying to open the door but it doesn't budge.

Johnnie is currently sleeping, it is 6:00PM. And he has been asleep the entire day.

"Johnnie, please wake up..." Jake calls out again, starting to get a bit worried. He continues to knock on the door, becoming more frantic with each attempt to get in.

Johnnie stirred awake. He grunts softly, his eyes slowly opened up when he heard his door being knocked on.

Jake sighs in relief, leaning his head against the door. "Johnnie... you've been in there all day. I'm worried about you. Can I come in?" He asks, trying to stay calm but still clearly worried.

Johnnie didn't reply, he just rolled over. His back facing the door. He just stared at his guitar across the room.

Jake sighs, deciding to give Johnnie a little more time before trying to come in again. He sits down against the door, trying to think of what could be wrong.

He had a feeling that something was bothering him, but he couldn't quite figure out what. He wanted to give Johnnie his space, but at the same time he couldn't just leave him alone.

Johnnie grunts as he slowly sits up in his bed. His hair is a tangled, knotted, depressed mess. Because he hasn't moved out of his bed in a week. His body felt fatigued from the lack of food and water.

His eyes had just a small bit of eyeliner left on them, but most of his makeup is removed from sleeping so much, and staying awake all night. He has dark circles underneath his eyes, they are almost a deep shade of purple-ish brown.

The emo male looks around, but gets startled when Jake knocks onto his bedroom door.

"Johnnie... it's just me, Jake. I just want to talk to you. You haven't eaten or drank anything in days, you need to let me in..." Jake says, knocking a bit harder this time. He can tell that Johnnie is awake now, so he's hoping he'll open the door.

Johnnie sighed heavily. He slowly gets off his bed. Grunting from the soreness of his body since he hasn't moved out of his bed in a week. He placed his feet on the wooden floor, and slowly stood himself off his bed.

Jake waits patiently outside the door, listening to Johnnie move around the room. He's still worried, but at least he knows that he's alive. He just hopes that Johnnie is okay, and that he can help him.

Johnnie slowly walks himself over to the door. He felt like a zombie, he didn't feel alive. He unlocked his door. Slowly turning the knob as he opened it. His sulking eyes slowly looked up at Jake, they expressed emptiness and exhaustion.

Jake looks at Johnnie, his heart sinking when he sees how bad he looks. He can tell that Johnnie hasn't been taking care of himself at all.

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