☆Break-Up Prank!☆

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[ Johnnie pranks Jake (his bf) that he's breaking up with him! >:3 ]


Johnnie decided today was the perfect opportunity to prank his boyfriend. "Hey babe?!" Johnnie calls from his room, putting some of his shirts hanged in his closet.

"Hm?" Jake said, turning his head to look at Johnnie as he was still writing. "What's up, love?"

"Whatcha doing?" Johnnie asked, walking over to Jake after hanging up the last shirt and sitting on the bed with his boyfriend. Seeing some song lyrics written out.

"Oh, just writing down some lyrics for a song. but I'm having a bit of trouble finishing it..." Jake sighed, leaning into Johnnie. "I'm glad you're here though."

"Let's put that aside for now." Johnnie says, moving the paper and sharpie out of Jake's hand. "I need to talk to you." He says, trying to be serious, which he's pretty good at, he's a sarcastic genius.

"Hm? What is it?" Jake asked, looking at Johnnie with curiosity as he took his hands off the paper. "Did something happen?"

Johnnie puts on a false act of being sad, he sighs heavily. "It's.. kinda hard to tell you, you won't be mad at me, right?"

"Of course not, babe. You can tell me anything..." Jake says, concerned for Johnnie's wellbeing. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Nothing happened it's just," Johnnie sighed. Holding his laughter back, but keeping an empty expression on his face. "Um... well."

Jake's eyebrows furrowed, trying to figure out what Johnnie was about to say. "Well...?" He said, trying to get him to continue.

"I think we should break-up." Johnnie says, his voice sounded so realistic. He felt himself suppress a giggle. But kept a serious expression.

Jake was silent for a moment, not believing what he had just heard. "Break up?" He repeated, his voice sounding hurt and confused. "What? Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no....just I lost feelings." Johnnie tried to sound as serious as possible. Which is working, since Jake really thinks he is being serious, the tone and everything was going right over his head.

Jake looked away, trying to hide his hurt expression. "So... you don't love me anymore? After everything we've been through?"

Johnnie started to realize that Jake was actually getting hurt by this, he felt a bit bad but he wanted to keep the prank going. "I'm sorry, I just.. I don't feel it anymore."

Jake was silent for a few seconds, his eyes welling up with tears. "I... I don't know what to say..." He said, his voice breaking. "Are you sure there's no way we can work this out? We've been together for almost two years..."

Which is true, Jake and Johnnie started off as friends for the first year or so, and recently started dating for the second year.

"Um." Johnnie clears his throat so he doesn't laugh, but he can't help but feel guilty for this. He never sees Jake cry.

Jake wipes his tears with his sleeve, not wanting to cry in front of Johnnie. "So... that's it then? We're just... over?" He said, his voice sounding defeated.

"Ye-Yeah. I'm sorry." Johnnie says, his tone is a false act of seriousness. But Jake didn't get it, the tone sounded so real to him.

Jake's shoulders sagged, and he looked away from Johnnie. "Alright... I'll leave you alone then." He said, starting to stand up.

Johnnie realized he was pushing this a bit too far...remembering that Jake didn't understand social cues very well, nor tones. He feels bad. He grabs Jake's tatted arm. "Wait, Baby-"

Jake stops in his tracks, looking at Johnnie with a hurt expression. "What is it? You're just gonna break up with me and now you want to call me baby? You're confusing me..."

Johnnie gets off his bed. He hugs Jake. "Baby, I'm pranking you..." He laughs a bit, but still feels super guilty.

Jake freezes, realizing that Johnnie was joking. He was relieved, but he also felt a bit angry at the fact that Johnnie had just pranked him like that. "Why would you do that?" He asked, his tone sounding annoyed. "I was actually worried..."

"I'm so sorryyy..." Johnnie laughs and hugs Jake's head. "I forgot you don't understand tones.. shit I'm so sorry." He felt bad but couldn't help but laugh a bit.

Jake hugs Johnnie back, his expression softening. "You're a jerk, you know that?" He says, but his tone is lighthearted. "You had me worried for a second there..."

Johnnie pulls back, looking at Jake's expression. "I did the break-up prank on you." He smiled, laughing a bit.

Jake rolls his eyes a bit. "not funny." He replied. Johnnie couldn't help but smile at Jake's sourness.

"I'm sorry." Johnnie apologized again and hugged Jake.

The couple stood in the bedroom, swaying a bit as they held each other.

Jake sighed and lays his head on top of Johnnie's. "it's okay, but that wasn't cool."

"It was funny though.. you actually fell for it." Johnnie snickers. Jake rolls his eyes, "Whatever... I'll get you back sometime, don't test me."

Johnnie laughs at Jake's bitter response. Before he leaned up and kissed Jake.

Jake returned the kiss and pulled back. "I love you, even when you're a bitch."

Johnnie laughed. "I love you too baby, I'm sorry."

"It's ok, love. I forgive you." Jake replied.

(The end)
(900 words)

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