☆Sunset Skies☆

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[ Johnnie and Jake are on the roof watching the sunset....but then it leads to one watching. ]

{ this is just for writing, im sorry if I made you cry. Please don't take my writing seriously. Thank you. 🦇 }

TW: suicide
you've been warned !

"It's pretty out here." Johnnie spoke softly as he was seated on the roof of his shared house with Jake.

Jake chuckled and sat down next to him. "It's a nice day out, yeah... I didn't know you liked being on the roof, though."

"Yeah, it's a little creepy being up here. But I can't help it, the view is nice up here." Johnnie stated, looking at the sunset of beautiful colors above their heads.

"I get it, it's calming up here. I guess you could call it creepy, but the view is amazing. You're pretty cool for sitting up here, too." Jake looked over at him and smiled.

Tucking up his knees, Johnnie looks below them. "What if we jumped?" His intrusive thoughtfulness asked out loud.

Jake's smile quickly faded as he heard his words. "Woah, what? Are you joking? We're not jumping off this roof."

Johnnie looks at Jake, but he has a serious expression. "Well, I know you wouldn't jump, but I could." He looked back down, looking at how high they are.

Jake quickly wrapped his arms around him, not letting him move. "Johnnie, don't say things like that. I don't want to lose you, and I'm not letting you jump off the roof."

Johnnie didn't say anything, but he felt the protective grasp from Jake's muscular tatted arms around him. He just simply did a timid smile, not speaking.

Jake looked down at him and sighed. "I'm not gonna let you go, Johnnie. You're staying right here with me, and you're not jumping off this roof. Okay?"

"Sorry.. I just thought it would've been nice if I ended it now." Johnnie replied, his eyes expressing tiredness all of a sudden. He then looks up to the sky, "Then, I would be in the sky with the sunsets. Pretty skies."

Jake's heart sank when he heard him say that. He tightened his grip around him and shook his head.

"No, you can't leave me like that. You mean so much to me, Johnnie. You can't just leave me like that." He buried his face into his shoulder, trying to keep himself from crying.

Johnnie heard the sad tone. He turns his head, looking at Jake. "Oh.. Jake?" Jake looked up at him with watery eyes, wiping his tears away with his sleeve. "Yes, Johnnie?" He said softly, looking into his eyes.

Noticing the tears, Johnnie frowns a bit. "Hey, why are you crying? It's okay." He asked. He was being so sweet to Jake, but not to himself.

"I'm crying because I don't want you to leave me. I don't want to lose you, Johnnie. You're too important to me. I can't imagine my life without you." Jake said, holding back his tears. He didn't want to seem weak in front of him, but he couldn't help it.

"You never cry, I hurt your feelings. I'm sorry." Johnnie leaned forward, wiping Jake's eyes. "I just think that," he paused. Looking at the beautiful orange, pink, and purple sky above their heads.

Jahnnie Drabbles☆Where stories live. Discover now