☆Broken A/C☆

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[ Jake and Johnnie's air conditioner broke and it's 105° in LA ]



"ITS FUCKIN' HOT!!" Johnnie shouts as he is coming down the stairs, in...his usual outfit. Black skinny jeans, his boots, and a button-up shirt. And it's 105°.

"Johnnie, you can't wear all black in this weather!" Jake says, laughing as he watches Johnnie walk down the stairs.

"I'm emo, i'm melting." Johnnie replied as he sits next to Jake. "Why is it so damn hot in the house?!"

"It's not my fault the AC is broken, you should've worn something more appropriate for this weather. I'm surprised you haven't passed out yet." Jake said.

"THE AC IS WHAT NOW?!" Johnnie shouts back at Jake, shocked as he stared at the punk.

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you. The AC is broken, and it's gonna be a while before the repairman can come fix it." Jake said, trying not to laugh at Johnnie's reaction.

Johnnie groans at this, covering his face. the damn button-up shirt he was wearing was silk and velvet too.

"I can't believe you're wearing silk and velvet in this heat." Jake said, looking at him in disbelief. "You're gonna sweat through it in no time."

"Jake...." Johnnie groans as he slumps on the couch. "Why..... is it broken..... what did you do....."

"It wasn't my fault! I didn't do anything to it! It just stopped working." Jake said, laughing a little at Johnnie's annoyance. "And don't look at me like that, I'm just as annoyed as you are."

Johnnie grunts, "Lies......all lies." He squints his makeup covered eyes at Jake, even his makeup was melting from the heat in the house.

"You're just trying to blame me because you know it's not my fault." Jake said, rolling his eyes. "Just take off the damn shirt and change into something more comfortable. It's not like anyone is gonna see you."

Johnnie groans, "Everything. I. Have. Is. Black. Jake. well.. mostly. A few red and white and gray. But mostly black."

Jake pinched the bridge of his nose. "Of course.. least I have tanktops, you on the other hand my God, how do you survive."

"I don't survive." Johnnie replied, "I just melt away into emo goop."

"Emo goop? Is that even a thing?" Jake asks, laughing at Johnnie's comment. "I think you're just being dramatic. You're not going to melt, you're just gonna sweat a lot."

"I'm dyinggggggggggg." Johnnie whined as he watches Jake get up.

"Don't be so dramatic, you're not dying. It's just a little heat, you'll survive." Jake said, rolling his eyes, as he walks into the kitchen.

While Jake walked into the kitchen, Johnnie slipped off his shirt and tossed it. Exposing his tatted chest and stomach. "Fuck, it's hot."

Jake walks back into the living room with a cold glass of water, and sees him shirtless. He stops dead in his tracks, and just stares.

"Ooh, water." Johnnie grabs the glass and takes a few chugs of it, the water leaks a bit down his chin and down to his 'im not perfect' tattoo.

"Damn..." Jake muttered. Johnnie lowers the glass, "What?" Jake chuckled, "You look hot." he replied.

"I look hot?" Johnnie laughs. "Jake, take off your shirt too, i don't want to be the only one."

"Alright, fine. You want me to take off my shirt, I'll take off my shirt." Jake said, grinning as he pulls off his shirt, revealing his toned abs and tatted muscular arms.

Johnnie blushed at the sight. He's use to seeing Jake shirtless but today just... hit differently.

Jake notices the blush on your cheeks and chuckles. "What? Am I too hot for you to handle?" he asked, teasingly.

Johnnie just walked over and poured the glass of water onto Jake's head. "You look a little hot.."

Jake gasps and steps back, shocked by his actions. He stands there, dripping wet, and just stares with an annoyed expression on his face. "You didn't just do that."

Johnnie giggles, as he walks himself to the kitchen. "Just did."

"You little-" Jake mutters, and follows you into the kitchen. He stands behind and wraps his arms around Johnnie's waist, pulling you close to him. "You know I'm going to get you back for that, right?"

"Oh yeah, and how?" Johnnie laughs as he fills the glass with tap water before he splashes it to Jake's face. "It's cooling you off!"

Jake yelps as the water hits his face, and then laughs. "Oh, you're really asking for it now." He pushes the emo against the counter, pinning him against it, and then he leans in and kisses deeply.

Johnnie's body froze in shock, his eyes snapped open in surprise. But he quickly regained himself and returned the kiss.

"Fuck..." Johnnie squints his eyes as he pulls back from the kiss. "It's too hot for you to be all pressed up against me you stupid punk." he teased.

"Yeah..? and you're so hot being this close." Jake replied, leaning his head back down and kissing Johnnie.

Johnnie returned the kiss and then lightly shoved Jake back. "fuck, I don't know what's hotter, you or this damn heat."

"Me." Jake replied, winking with a laugh.

Johnnie shakes his head, chuckling. "You're ridiculous sometimes."

"Yeah? But you love it." Jake replied as he lifted up the emo, carrying him to the couch.

They reached the couch and Jake plops Johnnie back down on it. Jake's hair was wet from the water that got spilled on him twice but he did in fact feel cooled off.

"Johnnie, you're gonna get heatstroke. Let me pour some water on you too." Jake says walking himself to the kitchen.

Johnnie was in a daze from the heat, he did feel a bit overheated. but suddenly he yelped when Jake poured a glass of ice cold water onto him.


"Fuck you!" Johnnie exclaimed, laughing .

"Hey it's so you don't turn into emo goop like you said!" Jake laughs back as he slumps himself on the couch.

Both men are laying on the couch.

"You know, your tattoos are pretty sick." Jake says, looking at Johnnie's chest and stomach.

"Thanks dude." Johnnie replied, turning his head to look at Jake.

"No problem." Jake replied. Leaning forward and kissing Johnnie's cheek.

Johnnie smiled when he felt the small kiss.

The rest of the day they just watched movies and occasionally spilled water on themselves to keep cool.

(The end)
(1,085 words)

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