118: Deal's Set And Done

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Normal P.O.V

A few days passed by since the incident took place, and ever since that back and forth which Gems had with Makarov and Erza, Gems refused to attend or be present at the guild hall, even after it was inaugrated post reconstruction.

Gems was still upset, very upset.

Gems hated the fact that Seth was right and he absolutely hated to admit that. He was actually waiting for Seth to show up but the days passed and there was so sign of Seth or his stank raven.

All these days that passed, Gems didn't waste a single second sulking. Every single day he kept on training, without putting on any breaks, whether it was training with Gray or by himself. 

Even during their training sessions Gray would sense some aggression from Gems, which he had never sensed before. Gray would get tired and take breaks while Gems was going full on without any breaks.

Gray was surprised to see such determination from Gems, and all this brought great improvement in Gems's skills.

“I have never seen you train this hard before.” Gray said as he got up after taking a few minutes rest.

“You think this is hard training?” Gems asked as he stopped and looked at Gray. “I wish you saw how I trained all by myself when you went for your Avatar Cult mission. You can call this a picnic, compared what I put myself through during that phase.” Gems said before showing Gray 7 backflips, with perfection.

Gray was confused, he genuinely didn't know how Gems trained himself.

“How?” Gray asked as he pulled Gems under the shade of the tree and made him sit. Gems was taking short breathes. Gray knew Gems was tired but the glasses wearing boy was stubborn as well. And Gems's stubborness was not letting him take rest.

“There were nights where I didn't sleep and just focused on my magic, whether it was hot or cold or raining. I didn't eat for days to test my endurance, I trained under the rain to test my resistance and did all the exercises you taught me without any breaks.” Gems answered and Gray was in awe. “I'll admit, it was very tough in the beginning but I got used it. Kinda similar to how my life went by growing up.” he added.

Gray could feel the pain in the Gems's voice, the pain that changed Gems as a person.

“You're hurt, aren't you?” Gray asked.

Gems just looked at Gray and sighed and nodded.

“I am.” Gems answered while plucking on the grass beneath them. “And that's why I am gonna train so hard to prove that I belong here, with the very best of this guild. I promise you that.” He added.

“Look Gemsie, I know you're upset and not everytime an ice cream date can fix that, but I can assure you one thing...” Gray glided his hand over Gems's hand and gave him a slight squeeze.


“I belive in you and I am proud of your growth.” Gray responsed.

Gems's expressions softened and that caused a smile to crept on his face. Gems and Gray looked at each other in the eye and Gems understood what Gray was saying.

Gems scooted closer and let Gray wrap his arm around Gems, pulling the younger boy closer to him.

“Thank you, Gray.”

“Wanna go on another ice cream date tonight?” Gray asked and Gems just laughed at the unseriousness. Gems bit his lip and nodded.

“I'll go with you, but first get up and start training! You still haven't mastered the cartwheel, get up!” Gems said as he got up and pulled Gray up with him. Today it was Gems's turn to teach Gray what he knew.

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