Unraveled threads || [Descendants: The Rise of Red]

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The sky was a heavy gray, with clouds that threatened rain at any moment

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The sky was a heavy gray, with clouds that threatened rain at any moment. The distant sound of an old train horn echoed through the nearly abandoned yard, a place Red often visited to be alone, to escape. She perched on an old, rusted train car, her eyes scanning the horizon, lost in her thoughts.

"Another day, another fight... What's new?" Red muttered to herself, lighting a cigarette. The smoke curled up around her face, hiding the flicker of vulnerability in her eyes. The solitude of the train yard, the cold metal beneath her, had always been her solace, but today felt different—charged, unsettled.

The sound of crunching gravel pulled her from her thoughts. She narrowed her eyes as she spotted Y/n approaching, her expression a mix of annoyance and confusion.

"This morning? Ugh, why did you show up there? Why'd you show up here?" Red's tone was disdainful.

Y/n hesitated, her steps slowing as she neared Red. She was clearly nervous, out of her element, but there was something more—a desperation that Red could almost taste.

"You already asked that, but look, I-I just really need to... To talk to you, to- to explain."

Red scoffed, rolling her eyes, though there was a glint of curiosity she couldn't quite hide. She flicked her cigarette to the ground, crushing it under her boot.


"I've always been real shit at sorries, 'kay? They're for pussies and no one fuckin' deserves them anyway, but I felt maybe you actually needed one."

Red froze, her mocking demeanor faltering for a split second. She looked at Y/n, really looked at her, trying to gauge if this was some kind of trick, or worse, pity.

"Ooh, lucky me!" Red sneered, but behind the sarcasm, there was something else—pain, raw and real. Red had always been quick to push people away, to keep them at arm's length, but Y/n's awkward attempt at an apology felt different. It was clumsy, sure, but it was genuine, and that was something Red rarely encountered.

"Look, Red, I know we've had our shit. And I know you hate this kind of stuff, but I just... I just needed to tell you. I needed you to know that I'm sorry. I never meant to mess things up. Not for you," Y/n said, her voice softer now.

Red clenched her fists, fighting the wave of emotions threatening to break through her carefully constructed walls. Apologies had always felt like weaknesses, admissions of guilt she refused to acknowledge. But hearing it from Y/n, seeing the sincerity in her eyes, it was like a dagger she didn't expect.

"Why now? What the hell do you want from me, Y/n?"

"I don't want anything from you, Red. I just wanted you to know. And... I wanted to see if maybe... we could start over?"

Red stared at Y/n, her mind racing. A part of her wanted to laugh it off, to dismiss Y/n's words as meaningless, but the truth was, she was tired. Tired of the fights, the loneliness, the constant battle to keep everyone out.

"You think it's that easy? Just say you're sorry, and we forget all the shit that's gone down?"

"No, it's not easy. It's messy and complicated, and I'm not saying we have to forget. But maybe... maybe we could try to fix things?"

The words hung in the air, a fragile offering that could shatter with the wrong response. Red bit her lip, her eyes darting away from Y/n's hopeful gaze. She wanted to reject the idea, to tell Y/n to fuck off and leave her in peace. But deep down, she knew she'd been craving this—a chance, no matter how slim, to mend what had been broken.

"I don't know, Y/n... I don't know if I can do this. Trusting people, letting them in... It's never been my thing."

"I get that. And I'm not asking you to change who you are. I just... I want to be there, if you'll let me. Even if it's just as a friend."

Red looked at Y/n again, and this time, she saw something she had been missing for so long—understanding, not pity, not judgment, just someone who wanted to stand by her side, no matter how rough the path might be.

"Maybe... Maybe we can try," Red said reluctantly.

It wasn't much, but it was a start, a tiny crack in the walls Red had built around herself. Y/n offered a small smile, one filled with hope and relief.

"That's all I'm asking."

They stood there in the quiet, the distant sound of the train horn fading into the background. For the first time in a long while, Red felt something other than anger and bitterness. She felt... the possibility of something more.

"Don't make me regret this," Red muttered.

"I won't," Y/n replied lightly.

And with that, the two stood together, not as enemies or rivals, but as two broken souls who might just be able to help each other heal. The road ahead wouldn't be easy, but for the first time, Red thought it might be worth it.

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora