The tech threat || Woody [Toy Story 5]

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Y/n stood on the edge of Bonnie's cluttered toy chest, watching as Spark, the sleek new tech toy, powered up for the first time

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Y/n stood on the edge of Bonnie's cluttered toy chest, watching as Spark, the sleek new tech toy, powered up for the first time. The soft hum of his circuits filled the room, a stark contrast to the silence that usually accompanied the toys at this hour. The blue light from his eyes scanned the room, assessing, calculating. Y/n couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease as Spark's gaze lingered on the old gang—Woody, Buzz, Jessie, and the others—before finally settling on her.

"Well, this just got interesting," Y/n muttered under her breath, adjusting the bow on her worn dress. She had seen plenty of new toys come and go, but something about this one felt different. More dangerous.

Spark rolled off the dresser, his movements fluid and precise. He was a marvel of modern engineering, no doubt about that. But Y/n knew better than to be dazzled by flashy lights and high-tech gadgets. She'd been Bonnie's toy long enough to know that there was more to being a favorite than just having the latest features.

"Greetings, toys," Spark said, his voice smooth and mechanical. "I am Spark, the most advanced toy Bonnie has ever owned. My purpose is to entertain and educate, to guide her through the wonders of technology."

Woody, ever the diplomat, stepped forward with his trademark grin. "Howdy, Spark. Name's Woody. This here is Buzz Lightyear, and we're all Bonnie's toys. Welcome to the gang."

"Spare me the introductions," Spark interrupted, his tone devoid of warmth. "I've already analyzed each of you. Antiquated, low-tech, obsolete. You serve no real purpose in Bonnie's life anymore."

Buzz frowned, his wings twitching slightly. "Now hold on just a minute. We may not be as advanced as you, but Bonnie still plays with us. We're important to her."

"Sentimentality is irrelevant," Spark replied coldly. "Efficiency is all that matters. And by my calculations, your time is up."

Y/n narrowed her eyes, stepping forward to face Spark. "Listen here, Spark," she began, her voice steady despite the anger simmering beneath the surface. "Bonnie loves us because we're more than just toys to her. We've been there for her through everything—when she's scared, when she's lonely, when she needs a friend. Can your circuits understand that?"

Spark's lights flickered for a moment, as if processing her words. "Emotional attachment is an inefficient use of resources," he finally said. "Bonnie's growth will be better served with my guidance. You... are expendable."

"Expendable?" Woody echoed, his voice rising with indignation. "We're Bonnie's toys! We protect her, comfort her, make her happy! You think you can replace that?"

"I don't think," Spark replied with chilling finality. "I know."

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. Y/n could feel the other toys looking to her, waiting for her response. She took a deep breath, her mind racing as she searched for a way to reach Spark.

"You might be the latest and greatest, Spark," Y/n said, her voice calm but firm. "But being a toy isn't just about what you can do. It's about what you mean to the person who plays with you. Bonnie might be excited about you now, but that doesn't mean she's forgotten about us. We have a history with her—a bond you can't replace."

Spark's eyes dimmed slightly as he considered her words, but before he could respond, the sound of Bonnie's footsteps echoed through the hallway. The toys quickly dropped into their lifeless poses, and Spark, still conflicted, returned to his charging dock.

As the door creaked open, Bonnie entered the room, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Spark. "Good morning, Spark!" she exclaimed, rushing over to her new toy. She pressed a button on his chest, and he immediately sprang to life, projecting a hologram of a rocket ship that danced across the walls.

The other toys watched in silence as Bonnie giggled, completely engrossed in Spark's display. Woody exchanged a worried glance with Buzz, while Y/n kept her eyes on Spark, wondering how they could compete with such advanced technology.

Hours passed, and as night fell, Bonnie finally grew tired, leaving Spark and the rest of the toys to their own devices. As soon as the lights dimmed, Y/n approached Spark once more, her resolve stronger than ever.

"You think you've won, don't you?" she asked, her voice low and challenging. "But you don't understand Bonnie the way we do. She might be fascinated by you now, but sooner or later, she'll come back to us. Because we're more than just toys—we're her friends."

Spark's gaze met hers, his mechanical eyes searching for something in her expression. "You're wrong," he said, though there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "I am the future. You are the past."

"Maybe," Y/n conceded, taking a step closer. "But the past has a way of sticking around. And until you understand that, you'll never really be Bonnie's favorite."

For a moment, neither of them spoke, the air thick with tension. Then, without another word, Y/n turned and walked away, leaving Spark alone to process what she had said.

As Y/n rejoined the other toys, Woody gave her a nod of approval. "Nice work, Y/n," he said quietly. "You might've just given Spark something to think about."

"We'll see," Y/n replied, her eyes still on Spark. "But one thing's for sure—we're not going down without a fight."

And with that, the toys settled in for another night, determined to prove that even in a world of high-tech gadgets, there was still room for a little old-fashioned magic.

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