Simultaneous events || Riley [Inside out 2]

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Riley Anderson stood in the middle of her cluttered bedroom, torn between two worlds

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Riley Anderson stood in the middle of her cluttered bedroom, torn between two worlds. She held two invitations in her hands, both equally important, but pulling her in opposite directions. One was for her girlfriend Y/n's art showcase, a major event in Y/n's life where she would be presenting her work to the public for the first time. The other invitation was for a college scouting event—a chance for Riley to get noticed by some of the top hockey programs in the country. Both events were on the same night, at the same time.

Riley let out a frustrated sigh, tossing the invitations onto her bed. Her mind was racing, trying to figure out how she could possibly be in two places at once. She loved Y/n with everything she had, and she wanted to be there to support her. But hockey... hockey had always been Riley's dream. Ever since she was a little girl, skating on the ice was where she felt free, where she could escape the pressures of life.

She ran a hand through her hair, her emotions battling for control inside her mind.

Joy was the first to pipe up, her usual enthusiasm barely dented by the stress. "We can totally do this, Riley! We'll just... I don't know, leave Y/n's event a little early and dash over to the scout thing. Easy, right?"

Sadness slumped beside her after giving Embarrassed a kiss. "But we'll miss most of Y/n's big moment. What if she's sad? What if she thinks we don't care enough?"

Anger erupted. "This is bullshit! How could they schedule these two things on the same night? This is all the universe's fault!"

Fear chimed in side by side with Anxiety, pacing nervously. "What if we mess up? What if we don't make it to either event? What if we ruin everything?"

Riley groaned, shutting her eyes. She could hear their voices in her head, the familiar push and pull of her emotions. But none of them had a clear solution. She opened her eyes and stared at the invitations again, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on her.

Just then, her phone buzzed on the nightstand. It was a text from Y/n:

"Hey, babe. Just wanted to remind you about the showcase tonight. I'm so nervous, but I can't wait to see you there. You'll be there, right? ❤️"

Riley's heart sank. She could picture Y/n's bright smile, the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her art. Y/n had been working on this showcase for months, and Riley knew how important it was to her. But that hockey event... it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her future.

Her phone buzzed again. This time it was her coach:

"Big game tonight, Anderson. Scouts will be watching. Don't let this slip."

Riley stared at the screen, feeling like she was being pulled apart. She knew she couldn't let either of them down, but no matter what she chose, someone was going to be disappointed.

Later that evening, Riley was in the living room, pacing back and forth, trying to figure out what to do. Her heart felt heavy with indecision. That's when Y/n walked in, dressed in a simple yet elegant outfit for her art show. She looked beautiful, her face glowing with excitement, but there was also a hint of nerves in her eyes.

"Riley?" Y/n asked softly. "You okay?"

Riley stopped pacing and looked at her girlfriend, guilt flooding her chest. "I, uh..." she started, rubbing the back of her neck. "There's something I need to tell you."

Y/n frowned, her concern growing. "What is it?"

Riley took a deep breath, knowing she had to be honest. "There's this scouting event tonight, for hockey. Some of the top programs are gonna be there, and I... I've been dreaming about this for years. But it's the same time as your showcase, and I don't know what to do."

Y/n's face fell for a moment, but then she quickly composed herself. "Riley, you should go to the scout event. It's your dream."

Riley blinked, taken aback. "But your showcase... I don't want to miss it. I don't want you to think I don't care."

Y/n walked over to her and took Riley's hands in hers, squeezing them gently. "I know you care. You've always supported me. But hockey is important to you too. I don't want you to give that up for me."

Riley looked into Y/n's eyes, feeling a rush of love and gratitude. Y/n always knew what to say, always understood her in ways that no one else could. But even though Y/n was telling her to go, Riley could see the flicker of disappointment behind her eyes.

Riley let out a long breath. "I don't want to miss either. I want to be there for you. I want to do both."

Y/n gave her a sad smile. "Sometimes we have to make tough choices, Riley. It sucks, but you have to go after what's best for you."

Riley shook her head. "No, that's not good enough. I don't want to choose. I love you, Y/n. And I love hockey too. But I'm not going to let either of those things take a backseat."

Y/n was quiet for a moment, studying Riley's face. Then, her expression softened. "You know what?" she said with a grin. "You could still make it. My showcase starts early, and the scout thing is later, right? You could show up for my opening, and then race over to the game."

Riley's eyes widened. "You think I could pull it off?"

Y/n shrugged, her grin turning mischievous. "You're Riley Anderson. You've pulled off crazier stunts before."

Riley felt a surge of hope. It wasn't a perfect plan, but it was something. "Alright," she said, feeling her determination return. "I'll be at both."

That night, Riley showed up to Y/n's showcase, dressed in a blazer and jeans, trying to look presentable but ready to sprint the moment the opening speeches were done. As she watched Y/n unveil her artwork, Riley's heart swelled with pride. Y/n was incredible, and Riley knew she couldn't let this moment slip by.

When it was time for the speeches, Riley leaned in and whispered to Y/n, "I gotta go. But I'll be thinking of you the whole time."

Y/n kissed her cheek, smiling. "Go kick ass, Anderson."

And that's exactly what Riley did. She ran straight from the art gallery to the hockey rink, heart pounding with the pressure of both events, but knowing that she was chasing both her love and her dreams.

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora