Gift exchange || Angel Dust [Hazbin hotel]

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Angel Dust was sprawled out on the velvet chaise in his room at the Hazbin Hotel, his phone held above his face as he swiped through OnlyFans, adjusting the lighting for his latest post

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Angel Dust was sprawled out on the velvet chaise in his room at the Hazbin Hotel, his phone held above his face as he swiped through OnlyFans, adjusting the lighting for his latest post. His long, spidery fingers danced over the screen as he muttered to himself, his usual mix of sarcasm and flair coloring his words.

"Sex cauldron?! I thought they closed that place down!" he quipped, more to himself than anyone else, letting out a chuckle as he posted another suggestive photo. The likes and comments started pouring in almost instantly, and he basked in the attention, even if it was from strangers on the internet.

His best friend, Y/n, was sitting on the edge of his bed, flipping through a magazine but clearly distracted. She glanced up at Angel, her mind turning over an idea that had been brewing for a while. Angel had been through a lot lately, especially with the ongoing nightmare that was Valentino, his so-called "boss." She hated how much that bastard had messed with Angel's head, how much he still controlled him. 

"Hey, Angel?" Y/n said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.

"Yeah, babe?" Angel replied without looking away from his phone, still engrossed in his latest post.

Y/n hesitated for a second, then decided to just go for it. "I was thinking... how about we exchange gifts? You know, like a little surprise for each other. Could be fun."

Angel finally looked up, raising an eyebrow as he studied Y/n's face. "Gifts? Like... right now? You got something in mind?"

"Well, not right this second," Y/n said, laughing softly. "But I thought it might be a nice way to cheer you up. We could do it tomorrow, maybe? Just something small, but personal."

Angel's initial skepticism melted into a genuine smile. "Aww, that's sweet, Y/n. You know I love getting gifts. What're you thinking of getting me?"

Y/n bit her lip, trying to play it cool. "Well, I know you've been into some... unique things lately. So I was thinking about something you'd really appreciate. But it's a secret—you'll just have to wait and see."

Angel smirked, intrigued now. "Ooh, mysterious! I like it. Guess I'll have to come up with something good for you too, huh?"

Y/n nodded, feeling a little more at ease. "Yeah, but don't stress about it. Just something that'll make each other smile, you know?"

They continued chatting about random things, but in the back of Y/n's mind, she couldn't stop thinking about what to get Angel. She knew he had a stash of mospirone—an anti-anxiety medication—that he relied on to get through the hell that was his life with Valentino. It wasn't exactly the most heartwarming gift, but it was something he needed, something that helped him survive.

The next day, Y/n decided to go all out. She had a small box wrapped in dark paper with a big, bright bow on top. Inside, nestled in tissue paper, was a fresh bottle of mospirone—something she knew Angel would appreciate, even if it was a bit unconventional.

Meanwhile, Angel was also plotting. He knew Y/n had been struggling with some things lately, so he went down to the one place that might have just what he needed: Alastor's old music collection. He found a rare vinyl of one of Y/n's favorite jazz artists, something she had mentioned once in passing, and decided that would be the perfect gift.

That evening, they met in Angel's room again, both holding their gifts behind their backs, grinning like kids on Christmas morning.

"Alright, Angel, you first!" Y/n said, excited but a little nervous about how he'd react.

Angel pulled out the small, perfectly wrapped box from behind his back and handed it to Y/n. "For you, sweetie. Hope you like it."

Y/n's eyes widened when she unwrapped the vinyl. "Oh my God, Angel! How did you even find this? It's perfect!" She practically threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and squeezing tightly. 

Angel laughed, hugging her back. "Just got lucky, I guess. But I'm glad you like it."

When Y/n pulled back, she handed her gift to Angel. "Okay, your turn. I know it's a bit... practical, but I think you'll like it."

Angel opened the box, his eyes softening as he saw the bottle of mospirone inside. He looked back up at Y/n, his expression a mix of gratitude and something deeper. "Y/n, this is... honestly, it's perfect. You know me too well."

Y/n smiled, relieved that he appreciated it. "I just wanted to make sure you had what you needed. You mean a lot to me, Angel, and I want you to take care of yourself."

Angel was quiet for a moment, then he pulled Y/n into another hug, this one gentler, more heartfelt. "Thanks, Y/n. For everything. You always know how to look out for me."

They sat back down together, the mood shifting from playful to something more sincere. Angel put the vinyl on his record player, and the soft strains of jazz filled the room. They sat there, listening to the music, feeling more connected than ever.

For a while, it was just the two of them, the chaos of the hotel and the world outside fading into the background. In that moment, surrounded by music and the comfort of each other's presence, everything felt right.

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