The slithering case || Nick • Judy [Zootopia 2]

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In the heart of Zootopia, Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde, and Y/n found themselves on a case that would test not only their skills but their partnership as well

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In the heart of Zootopia, Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde, and Y/n found themselves on a case that would test not only their skills but their partnership as well. The city was abuzz with rumors of a new criminal in town—a snake named Gary, whose presence was turning the mammal metropolis upside down.

The trio was gathered at the ZPD, poring over a map of the city, with Chief Bogo standing nearby.

"Alright, team," Bogo said, his deep voice commanding attention, "Gary the snake is our prime suspect. We've got reports of him being seen in the Nocturnal District, but every time we get close, he slips away."

Judy tapped a spot on the map with her paw. "The Coil, a nightclub in the heart of the Nocturnal District. It's a known hangout for some of the shadiest characters in Zootopia. If Gary's there, it's our best chance to find him."

Nick leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. "A snake slithering around in the dark? Sounds like a trap to me. But then again, I do enjoy a good dance."

Y/n smirked. "As long as you don't step on anyone's tail, Nick."

Judy nodded, her eyes narrowing with determination. "We're going in undercover. We can't let Gary know we're onto him. If he realizes we're there, he'll vanish again, and we might not get another shot."

"Undercover, huh?" Nick said, his grin widening. "What kind of low-life scum do you want me to play this time?"

"You're perfect for the role," Y/n said, patting Nick on the back. "And I'll play along as your shady associate. Judy, you'll be our lookout."

Judy looked at them both with a small smile. "Just don't get too into character. Remember, we're there to catch Gary, not start a turf war."

That night, the trio arrived at The Coil. The neon lights flickered in the darkness, casting eerie shadows across the street. The club was loud, crowded, and filled with creatures of the night—each one more suspicious than the last.

Nick adjusted the collar of his leather jacket, his usual sly grin replaced with a hardened expression. "Ready to blend in, Carrots?"

"Just don't get too comfortable, Slick," Judy replied, her ears twitching at every sound as they stepped inside.

The club was a maze of bodies and noise. Music pounded through the air, and the scent of smoke and sweat was thick. Judy took her position near the entrance, her eyes scanning the crowd. Nick and Y/n moved deeper into the club, weaving through the throngs of animals.

They reached the bar, where a large, surly-looking bear was serving drinks. Nick leaned against the counter, nodding at the bartender. "Two Night Howlers, and make it quick."

The bear grunted, his eyes narrowing as he looked Nick up and down. "You're new around here."

"Just passing through," Nick said coolly. "Heard this place has the best connections."

The bartender's eyes flicked to Y/n, then back to Nick. "Depends on who you know."

Y/n leaned in, lowering their voice. "We're looking for someone. Heard he's a real slippery character—a snake, you might say."

The bear's eyes flashed with recognition, but he quickly masked it. "Never heard of him."

Nick chuckled, slipping a few bills across the counter. "You're a terrible liar, pal. How about you just point us in the right direction, and we'll be out of your fur."

The bear hesitated, then nodded toward a door at the back of the club. "Down the hall, last door on the left. But be careful—he doesn't like visitors."

"Much appreciated," Nick said, grabbing the drinks and handing one to Y/n. "Let's go make some new friends."

The hallway was dimly lit, the music from the club fading as they approached the door. Judy joined them, her voice low. "I've got your backs. If things go south, we bail."

"Got it," Y/n said, exchanging a look with Nick. "Ready?"

Nick knocked on the door, and it creaked open slightly. A pair of cold, reptilian eyes peered out at them.

"You lost?" a voice hissed.

"Not at all," Nick replied smoothly. "In fact, I think we've found exactly who we're looking for."

The door opened wider, revealing Gary—a large, menacing snake coiled in the shadows. "And who might you be?"

"Just a couple of entrepreneurs," Nick said, stepping inside with Y/n. "We've heard about your work, and we're interested in a partnership."

Gary's eyes narrowed, studying them. "Partnership, huh? You sure you're not just cops looking to bust me?"

Nick's grin widened, but before he could respond, Judy stepped into the room, her badge shining under the light. "Actually, we are."

In a flash, Gary lunged, his fangs bared. But Judy was quicker, dodging to the side as Nick and Y/n moved in. The room erupted into chaos as the snake tried to escape, but the trio worked in perfect sync—blocking every exit, cutting off every escape route.

"You're not slithering out of this one, Gary!" Y/n shouted, cornering him.

Gary hissed, his eyes darting around, but he was trapped. With a final surge of strength, he lunged again, only to be met with a swift kick from Judy that sent him sprawling. Nick was on him in an instant, pinning him down as Y/n secured his coils with a rope.

"Looks like you've been caught, Gary," Nick said, breathing heavily. "I'd say 'nice try,' but it really wasn't."

Gary glared up at them, defeated. "You think you've won this shit? This city is more twisted than you'll ever know."

"Maybe," Judy said, pulling out her cuffs. "But as long as we're here, we'll make sure it stays on the right path."

As they led Gary out of the club and into the awaiting squad car, the trio exchanged tired but triumphant smiles. They had cracked the case, and while the road had been rough, their bond was stronger than ever.

"Drinks are on me tonight," Nick said with a grin. "We earned it."

"Just make sure they're non-alcoholic," Judy replied, chuckling. "And next time, let's catch a bad guy who doesn't try to bite us."

Y/n laughed. "Deal. But with us, who knows what's next?"

As they drove back to the ZPD, the city lights shining brightly around them, they knew one thing for sure—whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. Because in Zootopia, anything was possible with friends you could trust by your side.

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