Part of her life || Moana • Simea [Moana 2]

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The sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the air as Y/n stood at the edge of the beach, staring out at the horizon

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The sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the air as Y/n stood at the edge of the beach, staring out at the horizon. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the village of Motunui, but Y/n's thoughts were far from the peaceful beauty in front of her. She clenched her fists, frustration bubbling inside her as she watched Moana and Simea further down the beach, laughing and talking as they prepared one of Moana's latest plans.

Y/n loved her little sister, Simea, deeply. Ever since they were kids, she had always been protective of her, always there when she needed advice or a shoulder to cry on. But lately, something had shifted. Simea had been spending more time with Moana—who, to Y/n's dismay, seemed to be taking over every decision concerning their sister.

It was always Moana who came up with ideas for Simea's future. Moana who pushed her toward the next adventure. Moana who made decisions as if Y/n wasn't also Simea's sister. And it hurt. Deeply.

Y/n exhaled sharply, finally stepping forward and walking toward them. She had been quiet about it for too long.

As she approached, Simea caught sight of her and waved cheerfully. "Y/n! Come see what Moana and I are planning! We're going to sail to the reef tomorrow morning!"

Y/n forced a smile but couldn't quite keep the edge out of her voice. "That sounds... great."

Moana, with her usual confident demeanor, glanced over at Y/n and smiled warmly. "Yeah, I was just telling Simea about how we should practice navigating past the reef, like I did when I first started sailing. It'll be a great learning experience for her."

Y/n crossed her arms, trying to stay calm. "That's a good idea, but don't you think I should have been part of that conversation? I'm her sister too, Moana."

There was a brief pause, and the air between them grew tense. Moana's smile faltered as she straightened up, clearly sensing Y/n's frustration. "I didn't mean to leave you out, Y/n. I just thought—"

"You just thought you knew what was best for her," Y/n interrupted, her voice rising. "Like you always do. But you're not the only one who cares about Simea's future, Moana. I care about her too, and I should be included in these decisions."

Simea, sensing the tension between her two sisters, looked back and forth between them, her smile fading. "Y/n, Moana was just trying to help. She wasn't—"

"I know, Simea," Y/n cut her off gently, her eyes softening as she looked at her little sister. "I know she's trying to help. But so am I. And lately... it feels like I don't matter. Like I'm not important enough to be part of these decisions about your life."

Moana frowned, stepping closer to Y/n. "That's not true, Y/n. You're important. But I've been doing this for a long time. I've led this village, I've sailed across the ocean—I just figured I knew what was best."

Y/n's frustration flared again. "But you don't always know what's best! Simea is my sister too, Moana. I've been there for her just as much as you have. I know her. I understand her. And it's not fair for you to keep making choices for her like I don't exist."

Moana opened her mouth to respond, but then stopped, considering Y/n's words. She hadn't realized how much she had been taking over—how much she had been unintentionally excluding Y/n. Her expression softened, guilt creeping in. "I... I didn't think about it like that."

Y/n's voice cracked as she continued, the raw emotion spilling out. "It's not just about the decisions, Moana. It's about feeling like I'm losing her. Like every time you step in, there's less and less space for me in her life. And I can't stand it. I need to be part of her life, part of the choices she makes."

Simea, looking between the two of them with wide eyes, finally stepped forward and took Y/n's hand. "Y/n, you're not losing me. I still need you. I want you to be part of my life too. I'm sorry if it's felt like I've been leaving you out."

Tears prickled at Y/n's eyes, but she blinked them away, squeezing Simea's hand. "I just want to be there for you, Simea. I don't want to be pushed aside like I don't have a say in your life."

Moana stepped forward, her voice soft and sincere. "You're right, Y/n. I've been so focused on guiding Simea that I forgot you have every right to guide her too. You're her sister, and that's just as important as anything I've done for her. From now on, I'll make sure we work together on this. All three of us."

Y/n looked at Moana, her frustration slowly fading. "Thank you, Moana. That's all I wanted."

Moana nodded, offering a small smile. "We're all family. We should be making these decisions together."

The tension finally eased as the three sisters stood together, the sound of the waves a soothing backdrop to their conversation. Y/n felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that from now on, her voice would be heard. She wasn't losing Simea—she was gaining a stronger bond with both of her sisters. And that was all she ever wanted.

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