I want to see them again || Ladybug • Cat Noir [Miraculous]

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In the heart of Paris, the Eiffel Tower stood tall, gleaming under the golden rays of the setting sun

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In the heart of Paris, the Eiffel Tower stood tall, gleaming under the golden rays of the setting sun. But beneath the beauty of the city, a dark force was stirring—a force born from grief and desperation.

Ladybug and Cat Noir were alerted by their Kwamis, Tikki and Plagg, about an unusually powerful akumatization. Hawkmoth had sensed the intense emotions of Y/n, a woman who had lost her children and whose sorrow had been festering into an obsession. He saw in her pain a potent opportunity and sent an akuma to corrupt her heart, twisting her grief into something monstrous.

Y/n, now transformed into a being of immense power, called herself "Eclipsa." Her costume was a deep, swirling mix of black and violet, with streaks of white resembling tears. Her eyes glowed a haunting blue, filled with sorrow and a fierce determination. She was no longer just a grieving mother—she was a force of nature driven by an unrelenting need to reunite with her lost children.

Eclipsa's powers allowed her to tear through the fabric of reality, opening portals to other universes. She could see her children living happily in these other worlds, a vision that only fueled her desperation. She believed that if she could find the right universe, she could take her children back, even if it meant destroying the worlds they inhabited.

Ladybug and Cat Noir raced across the rooftops, tracking the energy pulses from Eclipsa's portals. When they found her, she was standing in the center of a swirling vortex of energy, surrounded by flickering images of different realities. The air crackled with power as she tore through dimensions, searching for the one where her children awaited her.

"Eclipsa!" Ladybug called out, her voice firm but compassionate. "This isn't the way. Your children wouldn't want this—they wouldn't want you to hurt others to find them."

Eclipsa turned to face them, her expression twisted in pain and fury. "You don't understand!" she screamed. "I've lost them! My babies... they were taken from me, and now I've found them. I can bring them back! No one will stand in my way—not you, not anyone!"

Cat Noir stepped forward, his baton at the ready but his eyes soft with understanding. "We know what it's like to lose someone, to feel like your whole world has been ripped apart. But this power is corrupting you, Eclipsa. It's not showing you the truth—only what Hawkmoth wants you to see."

But Eclipsa was beyond reason. Her grief had festered into something dark and dangerous, and now, it had taken control. With a wave of her hand, she unleashed a blast of dark energy, sending the heroes flying backward.

Ladybug and Cat Noir barely had time to react as Eclipsa opened more portals, each one revealing a different universe. They saw their counterparts in these worlds, some victorious, others defeated. But in all of them, they saw the potential for devastation if Eclipsa succeeded.

Ladybug threw her yo-yo, aiming to bind Eclipsa's hands and disrupt her concentration, but Eclipsa's power was too great. She easily deflected the attack, sending the yo-yo spiraling back towards Ladybug.

"We can't let her continue this shit," Cat Noir said, his voice filled with urgency. "If she keeps opening these portals, she'll tear the multiverse apart!"

Ladybug nodded, her mind racing for a solution. She knew that brute force wouldn't work—they needed to reach the real Y/n buried beneath the pain and anger. They needed to remind her of the love she had for her children, not the corrupted version of it that had consumed her.

"Cat Noir," Ladybug whispered, "we need to break through to her emotions. If we can show her what she's doing, maybe—just maybe—we can save her."

Cat Noir nodded, trusting Ladybug's instincts as always. He prepared his Cataclysm, ready to use it if necessary, but hoping it wouldn't come to that.

As they engaged Eclipsa in battle, Ladybug spoke, her voice cutting through the chaos. "Y/n, think of your children. Would they want to see you like this? Would they want you to destroy entire worlds just to bring them back?"

Eclipsa hesitated, her grip on the portals faltering for a moment as Ladybug's words reached the small part of her that still remembered who she was.

"They're happy in those other universes," Ladybug continued. "If you take them from those worlds, you'll be hurting them—taking them away from the lives they've grown into. They wouldn't be your children anymore, Y/n. They'd be strangers."

Eclipsa's eyes flickered, the glow dimming as doubt began to creep in. But then, the visions of her children, laughing and playing in the other worlds, filled her mind again, drowning out Ladybug's voice.

"No!" Eclipsa screamed, her voice filled with anguish. "They're my children! They belong with me!"

She unleashed another wave of energy, stronger than before, and Ladybug and Cat Noir were pushed to their limits. But Ladybug wouldn't give up. She knew there was still hope.

Reaching into her pocket, Ladybug pulled out a small, precious item—a simple photograph. It was of Y/n with her children, taken before the tragedy that had torn them apart. She held it out, letting Eclipsa see.

"Remember this?" Ladybug asked softly. "This is your family, Y/n. Not those illusions in the portals. This is real. They loved you, and they would never want you to become this."

Eclipsa's breath hitched as she stared at the photograph, the image piercing through the darkness that had consumed her. The memories of her children, of the love they shared, began to resurface, fighting against the corrupted power within her.

"No..." Eclipsa whispered, her voice trembling. "What have I done?"

The portals began to close, one by one, as Eclipsa's will to fight drained away. The dark energy around her dissipated, and the corrupted akuma appeared, hovering near her chest, ready to strike again.

"Ladybug!" Cat Noir called out.

Ladybug was ready. She captured the akuma with her yo-yo and purified it, restoring it to a simple butterfly. As the darkness left Y/n, her costume faded away, leaving her as she was before—grief-stricken, but no longer under the influence of Hawkmoth.

Y/n collapsed to the ground, sobbing. Ladybug and Cat Noir rushed to her side, helping her up as she wept for the children she had lost and the terrible things she had nearly done.

"I'm so sorry," Y/n cried, her voice filled with remorse. "I just wanted them back... I didn't mean to hurt anyone..."

Ladybug hugged her gently. "We know, Y/n. And it's not your fault. Hawkmoth took advantage of your pain. But now you're free, and you can begin to heal."

Cat Noir knelt beside them, his hand resting on Y/n's shoulder. "We'll help you find peace, Y/n. You're not alone."

As the sun finally set, casting a warm glow over Paris, Y/n felt the first glimmers of hope return to her heart. Ladybug and Cat Noir would be there to support her, helping her navigate the path to healing, one step at a time.

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora