Any scare in a storm || Caine • Bubble [The amazing digital circus]

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In the twisted world of The Amazing Digital Circus, Caine, the seemingly cheerful ringmaster, invites Y/n and Bubble for what appears to be a fun-filled day

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In the twisted world of The Amazing Digital Circus, Caine, the seemingly cheerful ringmaster, invites Y/n and Bubble for what appears to be a fun-filled day. The circus, with its vibrant colors and whimsical atmosphere, hides something far more sinister beneath its innocent facade.

As the day begins, Caine suggests they fly a kite together. The kite, made of patchwork fabric that flutters unnaturally in the air, climbs higher and higher. But as the kite soars, it pulls tight on the string, revealing it's not just fabric—it's stitched together with skin. Y/n feels a strange chill, and the cheerful act of kite-flying takes on an eerie tone as they notice dark red stains on the string. The sky seems to dim, but Caine's wide smile never falters.

Next, it's time for a game of "Hide-and-Seek" inside the circus tent. The tent is large, with shadows lurking in every corner. Y/n and Bubble take turns hiding, but the game becomes unsettling as Y/n begins to hear whispers in the dark, and sees shadows move where there shouldn't be any. The tent is alive, almost breathing, with walls that pulse with a heartbeat. When Y/n finally finds Bubble, they realize the whispers are coming from the ringmaster's hidden victims, forever trapped in the circus, and the tent was feeding off their fear.

Caine then introduces Y/n to his favorite musical instrument—the harmonica. He plays a tune that sounds sweet, but as Y/n listens closer, they hear cries of agony hidden within the notes. The harmonica isn't just an instrument; it's made from bones, and each note seems to draw the life out of the room. Y/n tries to play along, but the harmonica feels cold, and something sticky clings to their hands when they touch it.

In another part of the circus, Y/n finds paints and a blank canvas. Caine encourages them to mix different colors, but these paints aren't ordinary. Each color is drawn from a different source—crimson from blood, deep purple from bruises, and green from decaying flesh. As Y/n mixes the paints, the colors seem to move on their own, forming horrific images on the canvas—faces twisted in pain, scenes of violence and despair. Bubble, still floating happily beside Y/n, describes the colors with glee, oblivious to the horror.

Finally, it's snack time. Caine brings out what looks like an avocado, but when Y/n cuts into it, the flesh inside is raw and bloody. Y/n hesitates, but Bubble insists, so Y/n takes a bite. The taste is metallic and bitter, and they realize too late that the "avocado" is something far more grotesque. The taste lingers in Y/n's mouth, the horror of what they've eaten settling deep in their stomach.

As the day comes to an end, Caine, Bubble, and Y/n sit together in the center of the circus. Caine's smile never wavers, but Y/n now sees the truth behind it—the grin of a predator who has lured another into his twisted game. The bright lights of the circus flicker, revealing splatters of blood and the haunting faces of those who came before Y/n. 

The circus is a place of nightmares, wrapped in the guise of a children's wonderland. And in this dark world of *The Amazing Digital Circus*, there's no escape from the horrors that lurk just beneath the surface.

As the lights go out, Y/n is left alone, the cheerful facade of the circus shattered, knowing that the darkness will come again, and the ringmaster's twisted games are far from over.

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