Welcome || Caine [The amazing digital circus]

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The lights flickered as Y/n took her first uneasy step into the surreal circus world

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The lights flickered as Y/n took her first uneasy step into the surreal circus world. A tall, whimsical figure named Caine floated beside her, gleaming with digital energy. 

"Welcome, Y/n, to your new home," he said, gesturing toward the vibrant tent before them. It was larger inside, with walls shifting like a dream—ever-changing and impossible to define. A kaleidoscope of colors illuminated strange furniture, floating beds, and twisting hallways that seemed to stretch into infinity.

"This is where the others live," Caine continued, grinning widely. "You'll get to know them soon. But don't worry—there's plenty of space for everyone."

Y/n's eyes darted to the distant corners of the tent, where shadows hinted at unseen rooms. It was like stepping into a twisted amusement park, but the eerie calm gnawed at her.

"Are we really trapped here?" she asked.

"Trapped?" Caine chuckled, twirling in the air. "Think of it as an endless adventure! You'll never grow bored."

As they moved deeper into the tent, Y/n felt a strange presence—a void pulling at the edges of her mind. The tent's lively, surreal nature masked something darker beneath.

Caine, noticing her unease, smiled. "Ah, don't mind the oddities. The Tent is just... full of surprises. You'll find your way, eventually."


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