The rise of Y/n || Moana [Moana 2] • part 3

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Y/n is still relatively new to Moana's navigation team, and her eagerness to prove herself is palpable

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Y/n is still relatively new to Moana's navigation team, and her eagerness to prove herself is palpable. At the beginning of their journey to find the lost island of Motufetu, Y/n is filled with excitement and determination. The ocean stretches endlessly before them, and Y/n's eyes gleam with anticipation as she grips the edge of the boat, feeling the wind whip through her hair. The tools and techniques Moana has given her—an ancient map, a finely crafted compass, and a star chart passed down through generations—are her lifelines, yet she feels the weight of responsibility they carry.

Moana watches her closely, understanding the mix of enthusiasm and nervousness that comes with being new to such a crucial mission. She remembers her own early days as a navigator and sees a reflection of herself in Y/n. However, Moana knows that the ocean is unpredictable, and the journey ahead will be nothing like the challenges Y/n has faced before.

As the days progress, Y/n's inexperience begins to show. Though spirited and eager, she sometimes misinterprets the map, struggles with reading the stars on cloudy nights, and occasionally falters in making quick decisions. One morning, while attempting to navigate a particularly tricky stretch of water filled with hidden reefs, Y/n nearly steers the boat into danger. Moana has to intervene, her voice firm but encouraging, guiding Y/n back on course.

"Remember, Y/n, the ocean is as much a part of you as you are of it," Moana says, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Trust your instincts, but also trust the tools you've been given. They're here to help you, just like I am."

Y/n nods, feeling both the sting of her near mistake and the warmth of Moana's support. She knows she has much to learn and that Moana's trust in her is both a gift and a responsibility. The navigation tools that once felt empowering now feel heavier, not just physical objects but symbols of the expectations placed upon her.

Despite her missteps, Y/n's spirit remains unbroken. She spends her nights studying the star chart, tracing constellations with her fingers and memorizing their positions. During the day, she practices reading the currents and observing the behaviors of the ocean life, trying to become as attuned to the sea as Moana is. Her determination is clear, and while her skills are still developing, her heart is in the right place.

The other crew members begin to notice Y/n's efforts. Maui, ever the trickster, gives her a hard time but secretly respects her tenacity. "You've got guts, kid," he says one evening as they sit around a fire on a small, deserted island. "But guts alone won't get you to Motufetu. You've got to be smart, too. Use that brain of yours."

Y/n takes his words to heart. She knows she can't rely solely on her enthusiasm; she needs to be strategic, thoughtful, and, above all, patient. As they continue their voyage, Y/n slowly starts to find her rhythm. She makes fewer mistakes, grows more confident in her readings, and begins to contribute more meaningfully to the team's efforts.

But Y/n also realizes that this journey is about more than just proving herself to Moana or the crew. It's about proving something to herself—that she's capable, that she belongs, and that she can rise to the occasion no matter how daunting the task.

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