Jokes || Red [Descendants: The Rise of Red]

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In a dimly lit room, filled with the soft hum of a record player spinning a classic rock album, Y/n and Red sat cross-legged on the floor

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In a dimly lit room, filled with the soft hum of a record player spinning a classic rock album, Y/n and Red sat cross-legged on the floor. Red, with her signature red streaks in her hair, leaned back against the bed frame, her eyes half-lidded in boredom. She had just come back from a particularly grueling argument with her mother, the tension still lingering in the air like a storm cloud. Y/n, sensing the need to lighten the mood, grinned as an idea sparked in her mind.

"Hey, Red," Y/n started, her voice playful as she leaned forward slightly. "Want to hear some jokes?"

Red looked over at her with a raised eyebrow, skeptical but curious. "Jokes? Really? You think that's going to make this day any better?"

"Come on, trust me. These are classics," Y/n replied, not waiting for a response before launching into the first one. "So, Pete is seen telling a pair of Barbie dolls that he can help them appear in 'Toy Story 3.' But then, he clarifies he means 'help them with acting tips.' I mean, can you imagine? An older guy 'helping' two younger women get a gig? The implications are wild, right?"

Red snorted, the corners of her lips twitching upward despite herself. "That's pretty messed up. And creepy."

Y/n nodded, encouraged by Red's reaction. "Yeah, right? But it gets better. So, Bo Peep thanks Woody for rescuing her flock of sheep during make-believe with Andy and then suggests she should find someone else to watch them that night. It's like, 'Sorry, sheep, but Woody and I have other plans,' you know?"

Red chuckled this time, shaking her head. "Okay, that's kind of funny. Bo Peep knows what she wants, I guess."

"Exactly!" Y/n said, feeling the atmosphere in the room shift to something lighter. "And here's another one for you. When Shrek and Donkey arrive at Lord Farquaad's castle, Shrek asks if Donkey thinks the castle's large size means Farquaad is compensating for something. I mean, come on, the guy's clearly got issues with, you know."

Red let out a genuine laugh, a sound that was rare and almost surprising to hear. She looked at Y/n with an expression that was a mix of amusement and appreciation. "Alright, alright, those are pretty good. You've got a knack for this."

Y/n grinned widely, glad to have gotten through to Red. "See? Even anti-heroes need a good laugh now and then. And honestly, if those characters can get away with bending the rules, so can you."

Red tilted her head, thinking for a moment before nodding slowly. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I don't need to play by the rules all the time. But unlike them, I've got no one to back me up when things go south."

Y/n leaned closer, her tone turning sincere. "You're wrong about that. You've got me. And maybe it's not about having someone to back you up, but knowing that you're strong enough to get yourself out of trouble, just like you always do."

Red stared at Y/n for a long moment, her guard lowering slightly. "You know, you're not as annoying as I thought you'd be," she said with a smirk, her usual defiance softened by a rare moment of vulnerability.

Y/n chuckled, reaching out to playfully nudge Red's shoulder. "And you're not as much of a troublemaker as you think you are. Or at least, not all the time."

Red rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face lingered. "Don't push it," she warned, but there was no real threat in her voice.

The two sat in comfortable silence for a while, the music filling the space between them. Y/n knew that Red's struggles with her mother and her need for independence weren't going to disappear overnight, but for now, she was glad she could bring a little lightness into her friend's life. And Red, though she'd never admit it, felt a small, comforting warmth in knowing that Y/n was there, ready with a joke or a kind word when she needed it most.

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