We are at war || Red [Descendants: The Rise of Red]

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Red and Chloe's time-traveling journey begins on a day that feels like any other—Red, rebellious and sharp, is bickering with her mother, the Queen of Hearts, over some seemingly minor disagreement

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Red and Chloe's time-traveling journey begins on a day that feels like any other—Red, rebellious and sharp, is bickering with her mother, the Queen of Hearts, over some seemingly minor disagreement. But Red knows deep down that her mother wasn't always this way. Once kind and compassionate, the Queen turned cold and tyrannical after a mysterious event in the past. Red's father, a wise and gentle man, died under suspicious circumstances, leaving Red with questions she was determined to answer.

Chloe, Red's best friend, tries to calm her down, but Red brushes her off, focusing on the peculiar pocket watch she recently found hidden among her father's things. She knows it's more than just a watch—it's a time travel device. Red's instincts tell her that something terrible happened in the past that changed her mother, something more than grief. When Red finally pieces together the truth, she realizes that her mother's turn to darkness was caused by Uliana, a ruthless villain who played a cruel prank that spiraled out of control. Worse still, Uliana is the one responsible for her father's death.

Determined to change the past, Red and Chloe activate the watch, traveling back in time to a period when the Queen of Hearts was still kind and gentle. But what starts as a mission to fix the Queen quickly divides the two friends. Red is fueled by anger and vengeance—she wants to find Uliana and kill him for the pain he caused. For her, this is personal. Chloe, on the other hand, is determined to redeem the villain, believing that no one is beyond saving.

As they venture through time, their paths diverge. Red recruits Y/n, the daughter of Ben and Mal, who shares Red's thirst for justice and rebellion. Y/n has her own complicated past, struggling to find a balance between her parents' legacy and her desire to forge her own path. Together, Red and Y/n form a fiery duo, plotting to take Uliana down before he can corrupt the Queen or harm anyone else.

Meanwhile, Uliana discovers the time-traveling pair and sees an opportunity to exploit Chloe's idealism. Pretending to be remorseful and seeking redemption, he aligns himself with her, knowing full well that she is his ticket to survival. Chloe, blinded by her belief in second chances, doesn't see through his manipulation. She believes that saving Uliana will undo all the harm he caused, including the Queen's transformation into the tyrant she would become.

As the battle lines are drawn, Red and Y/n prepare for war, determined to kill Uliana and restore the timeline. Chloe, on the other hand, stands in their way, convinced that violence will only create more evil. The divide between them grows deeper as Chloe refuses to see that Uliana is playing her. Each side rallies its allies, with Red and Y/n facing off against Chloe and her newfound 'ally.'

In the final showdown, Red's fury reaches its peak as she confronts Uliana. Chloe pleads with her to stop, to consider redemption, but Red is too far gone, her anger at her mother's suffering and her father's death clouding her judgment. Y/n, standing by Red, encourages her to make the hard choice. It's a battle not only of physical strength but of wills, as Red must decide between revenge and restoring her family's legacy.

In the chaos, the truth about Uliana's evil nature is fully revealed to Chloe, shattering her faith in redemption. But by then, it might be too late to repair the fractured bond between her and Red. The final twist comes when the Queen herself steps into the fray, no longer the woman either of them knew, but a force to be reckoned with. She has her own agenda, one that could change the future of their world forever. 

Will Red and Chloe find a way to reconcile and defeat Uliana together, or will the time-altering battle tear their friendship apart for good?

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