Starlight bonds || Elio [Elio]

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They/them pronouns!

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They/them pronouns!

Elio had always been different. He spent countless nights lying on the roof of his house, staring up at the night sky, dreaming of distant galaxies and the secrets they held. His room was filled with posters of alien species, star maps, and models of spacecraft. Every corner of his mind was occupied with thoughts of what could be out there, just beyond the reach of Earth's gravity. His obsession with the stars often led to teasing from his classmates, but it didn't matter. Elio knew he was meant for something more—something extraordinary.

And then, one clear night, it happened. A beam of light descended from the sky, engulfing Elio in a soft, shimmering glow. Before he could even process what was happening, he felt his feet leave the ground, and the world around him dissolved into a blur of colors. When the light faded, Elio found himself standing on the deck of an enormous spaceship, surrounded by beings of all shapes and sizes.

"Welcome to the Communiverse, Elio," a voice echoed through the chamber. Elio turned to see a tall, regal figure, with skin that shimmered like stardust and eyes that held the knowledge of countless worlds. "You have been chosen to represent Earth in the greatest interplanetary organization in existence."

Elio's heart pounded with excitement. This was it—the adventure he had always dreamed of. But as he gazed at the vastness of the Communiverse, a pang of doubt crept into his mind. Was he really ready for this?

As Elio settled into his new role, he met Y/n, a guardian of the ancient rites within the Communiverse. Y/n was a quiet, enigmatic figure, always observing, always vigilant. They were responsible for safeguarding the sacred tomes that held the secrets of the stars—books of immense power and knowledge. Y/n had been in the Communiverse for years, their life devoted to duty and the protection of these ancient texts.

But there was something about Elio that drew Y/n away from their path. Perhaps it was his boundless enthusiasm or the way he looked at the stars with such wonder. Whatever it was, Y/n found themselves spending more and more time with Elio, guiding him, teaching him, and slowly, almost imperceptibly, opening their heart to him.

Elio, in turn, was captivated by Y/n. There was something mysterious and magnetic about them, something that made him want to learn more, to understand the depths of their soul. On those dazzling moonlit nights, when the stars above the Communiverse shone brighter than ever, Elio would find himself drawn to Y/n's side, wanting to be close, to hear their voice, to feel connected to them in a way that transcended words.

But Y/n was conflicted. They had sworn an oath to protect the tomes, to dedicate their life to the Communiverse. And yet, they couldn't deny the growing feelings they had for Elio. They wanted to hold him, to keep him close, but they knew better—they had to give Elio the choice.

One night, under the light of a thousand stars, Y/n approached Elio. "Elio," they began, their voice steady but laced with an underlying tension, "I have something I need to tell you."

Elio turned to face Y/n, sensing the seriousness in their tone. "What is it?"

"I've spent my life as a guardian, watching over these ancient rites, protecting the knowledge of the Communiverse," Y/n explained. "But since you arrived, I've felt something I never expected to feel. I care about you, Elio. More than I should."

Elio's eyes widened, his heart skipping a beat. "Y/n..."

Y/n held up a hand, silencing him gently. "But I cannot keep you here if it's not what you want. I can offer you everything you need, but I won't force you. You must choose—whether you want to stay here with me, or if your heart lies elsewhere."

Elio was silent for a moment, his mind racing. He had always dreamed of exploring the stars, of living among the aliens he had once only imagined. But now, faced with the reality of it, he realized that his dream wasn't just about the stars—it was about the people, the connections, the bonds that made the vastness of space feel less lonely. And Y/n had become an essential part of that.

"Y/n," Elio said softly, stepping closer, "I don't care about your station or the rites you protect. I care about you. I want to stay, but only if you want me to. Only if we can face this together."

Y/n's heart ached with relief and fear. "Elio... there are things about me, about this place, that you don't understand. There are walls I've built, to protect myself, to protect others. I'm terrified of what might happen if we tear them down."

"Then let's tear them down together," Elio replied, determination in his voice. "We'll face whatever comes, side by side."

Despite their decision, things were not easy for Elio and Y/n. The unspoken contract between them—the agreement they had made for mutual gain—began to weigh heavily on their hearts. Elio started to wonder if that was all their bond had ever been: a means to an end, a partnership forged out of necessity rather than true connection.

But when Y/n was not by his side, Elio felt a pain that ran deeper than he had ever expected. It was a pain that couldn't be explained away by duty or obligation. It was something more—something real.

One evening, after a long day of training and meetings in the Communiverse, Elio found Y/n sitting alone in the library, surrounded by the ancient tomes they guarded so carefully.

"Y/n," Elio said, approaching cautiously. "I've been thinking... about us."

Y/n looked up, their eyes reflecting the soft glow of the starlight. "What about us?"

"This unspoken contract," Elio began, his voice shaky with emotion. "Was that all this was? Were we just... using each other?"

Y/n's gaze softened, and they shook their head. "No, Elio. At first, I thought that's what it was. But it's not. You're not just a means to an end for me. You're so much more."

Elio sat down beside Y/n, relief washing over him. "Then why do I feel like there's something more—some shit you're not telling me?"

Y/n sighed, their shoulders heavy with the weight of their secrets. "Because there is. I've lived my life in service, Elio. I've seen things, done things, that I'm not proud of. And I'm afraid... I'm afraid that if you knew, you wouldn't look at me the same way."

"Y/n," Elio said, reaching out to take their hand. "I'm here. Whatever it is, we'll face it together. Just... please, look my way. Don't shut me out."

Y/n's resolve crumbled under Elio's gaze, and they let out a shaky breath. "I'm terrified, Elio. I'm terrified that no matter what I do, no matter what I give... it won't be enough. That I'll lose you."

"You won't lose me," Elio whispered, pulling Y/n into a gentle embrace. "I'm here, Y/n. I'm not going anywhere."

In the days that followed, Elio and Y/n began to break down the walls that had kept them apart. They opened up to each other, sharing their fears, their dreams, and their deepest desires. Y/n told Elio about their past, about the sacrifices they had made, and the burdens they had carried alone for so long.

And Elio listened, offering comfort and understanding, never once judging Y/n for the choices they had made. Together, they began to heal, to rebuild their bond on a foundation of trust and love, rather than duty and obligation.

The Communiverse continued to thrive, with Elio and Y/n standing side by side as representatives of Earth. But their journey was no longer just about the stars—it was about the connection they had forged, the love that had blossomed in the unlikeliest of places.

On those dazzling moonlit nights, when the starlight passed overhead, Elio and Y/n would sit together, gazing up at the infinite sky, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. And in each other's eyes, they found the universe they had always been searching for.

As they held hands, their bond unbreakable, they knew that they had given each other the greatest gift of all—the choice to love and be loved, against all odds.

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