Seeds of war || Venom [Venom: The Last Dance]

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Eddie Brock's chest heaved as he sprinted through the alleyway, the echo of footsteps ringing in his ears

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Eddie Brock's chest heaved as he sprinted through the alleyway, the echo of footsteps ringing in his ears. Venom's voice growled in his mind, urging him forward.

"They're getting closer, Eddie! Faster!"

Eddie pushed his body harder, weaving through the narrow streets as gunfire echoed behind him. With each passing second, the weight of their pursuers closed in. This wasn't just the government or law enforcement anymore; it was something far more dangerous. A soldier bonded to a symbiote—Lasher.

"Dammit!" Eddie grunted, his breath labored as he turned sharply down another alleyway.

Y/n darted ahead of him, her face hardened with determination. She wasn't just some bystander anymore; she was in this fight with him, whether she wanted to be or not.

"They're catching up!" Y/n shouted, her voice sharp with urgency.

Venom's dark, rumbling voice cut through Eddie's mind. "Lasher is near. We must be ready, Eddie. He's not like the others. He is one of us—born of me, trained to destroy us."

Eddie slammed his fist into the brick wall beside him. "I know, Venom! But what the hell are we supposed to do? We've been running for days, and there's no end in sight!"

Venom hissed. "We do not run anymore. We fight."

Y/n stopped and turned to face Eddie, her chest heaving as she caught her breath. "Eddie, if we keep running, we'll only exhaust ourselves. Lasher isn't going to stop. We need to face him."

Eddie swallowed hard, his gaze shifting to Y/n. She was right, but that didn't make the decision any easier. Venom had told him what Lasher was—one of five symbiotes created from Venom's own genetic material, bred for war, bred to kill. Lasher wasn't just another enemy; he was something far more dangerous.

Suddenly, a loud thudding noise echoed down the alley, and all three of them turned toward the source. From the shadows, a towering figure emerged—Lasher.

His body rippled with green tendrils, dark and sinister, his eyes glowing with malevolent intent. He was larger than Venom, more brutal, and the air around him seemed to vibrate with his hunger for destruction.

"Venom," Lasher's voice was deep, almost like a growl. "You cannot run from me. You cannot run from yourself. We are bound, born of the same blood. I am your future."

Venom growled in response, his own tendrils unfurling from Eddie's body, forming a massive black figure. "We are nothing alike, Lasher. You are a slave. We are free."

Lasher's smile widened, and his voice turned mocking. "Free? You are chained to your weak human host. I have transcended that. I am beyond Venom now."

Without another word, Lasher charged forward, his green tendrils whipping out toward Eddie and Y/n. Eddie barely had time to react as Venom enveloped him fully, launching them both into the air to dodge the first attack.

"Y/n, watch out!" Eddie yelled as he landed hard on the ground, skidding to a stop.

Y/n ducked just in time as one of Lasher's tendrils lashed out at her, striking the brick wall behind her and sending debris flying everywhere. She rolled to her feet, pulling out a pair of modified sonic blades she'd stolen from a black-market dealer—a last resort against symbiotes.

"Venom!" Eddie called out. "What do we do? He's too strong!"

Venom's voice snarled in his mind. "We need to separate him from his host! Lasher cannot exist without his human counterpart!"

Eddie's heart raced. "How the hell are we supposed to do that?!"

Lasher lunged at them again, his tendrils lashing out like whips, each strike hitting with deadly precision. Venom managed to block most of the attacks, but the sheer force of Lasher was overwhelming.

"Together!" Venom roared. "We fight together!"

Y/n darted toward Lasher, her blades slicing through the air with lethal precision. She managed to cut through one of Lasher's tendrils, but it quickly regenerated, snapping back at her with venomous speed. She barely avoided the attack, rolling across the ground.

"Eddie!" Y/n called out, her voice strained. "We need to distract him!"

Venom nodded, understanding her plan. "Go for his host, Eddie. We will handle the rest."

Eddie nodded, adrenaline surging through his veins. He and Venom launched themselves at Lasher again, but this time, instead of aiming directly for the symbiote, Eddie aimed for the human inside. He could see the man's eyes flicker beneath the mass of green tendrils, a moment of vulnerability.

"Now!" Eddie shouted, and Y/n sprang into action.

With lightning-fast speed, Y/n threw one of her sonic blades directly at Lasher's human host. The blade hit its mark, emitting a high-pitched frequency that caused the symbiote to scream in agony.

Lasher's form flickered, his tendrils writhing uncontrollably. For a split second, the man underneath was exposed, his face contorted in pain.

"Do it, Eddie!" Venom urged.

Eddie didn't hesitate. He lunged forward, Venom's strength coursing through him as they ripped the man free from Lasher's grasp. The symbiote screamed in fury as its connection was severed, thrashing wildly as it tried to reattach itself to the host.

But it was too late.

With a final, desperate roar, Venom tore Lasher apart, his tendrils disintegrating into the air as his human host collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

The battle was over.

Eddie stood there, panting heavily as Venom retreated back into his body. Y/n approached cautiously, her sonic blade still at the ready, but there was no need. Lasher was gone.

"You did it," Y/n said quietly, her voice filled with relief.

Eddie shook his head, his eyes dark with the weight of what had just happened. "We did it."

Venom's voice echoed softly in Eddie's mind. "This is not the end, Eddie. There are still more out there. More like Lasher."

Eddie's heart sank. He knew Venom was right. This was only the beginning of something far worse. The military wouldn't stop at one symbiote; they would keep coming, keep creating more. And one day, Eddie and Venom might not be strong enough to survive.

But for now, they had won. They had bought themselves a little more time.

And as Eddie looked at Y/n, who had risked everything to stand by their side, he knew that whatever came next, they wouldn't face it alone.

Together, they would fight.

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