The rise of Y/n || Moana [Moana 2] • part 2

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In the days that followed their harrowing encounter with TeKã, Y/n found herself back in the daily rhythm of village life, but something had shifted within her

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In the days that followed their harrowing encounter with TeKã, Y/n found herself back in the daily rhythm of village life, but something had shifted within her. The taste of adventure lingered, leaving her restless and yearning for more. She couldn't shake the feeling that her brief moment of proving herself during the battle was just the beginning, a prelude to something greater. Yet, despite the pride she felt, there was an undercurrent of frustration gnawing at her.

Y/n had expected that after her contribution to the mission, Moana would see her differently. No longer just the "girl who knew a little about navigating" but as someone capable, someone deserving of more responsibility. But as the days passed, she realized that wasn't the case. Moana, while always kind and encouraging, seemed distant, keeping Y/n at arm's length.

Each time Y/n tried to initiate a conversation about the next steps or volunteer for more challenging tasks, Moana would smile and gently redirect her. "You've done well, Y/n," she'd say, "but there's no rush. You'll get your chance."

Those words, meant to reassure, only fueled Y/n's frustration. She didn't want to wait; she wanted to prove herself now. She had already faced the dangers of the sea, stood her ground against TeKã—what more did she need to do to show that she was ready?

One evening, after another day of being assigned to mundane tasks while Moana and the others discussed more critical matters, Y/n finally let her frustration boil over. She found Moana by the shore, gazing out at the horizon, and approached her with determination.

"Moana, I need to talk to you," Y/n said, her voice betraying the impatience she had been trying to hide.

Moana turned to her, her expression calm but curious. "Of course, Y/n. What's on your mind?"

Y/n took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I appreciate everything you've taught me, but I can't keep doing this. I want to do more—I 'can' do more. I'm not just the girl who was picked because she knew a little about navigating. I've proven myself, haven't I?"

Moana's eyes softened with understanding, but there was also a hint of something Y/n couldn't quite place—perhaps a touch of sadness or hesitation. "You've proven that you have potential, Y/n. And I'm proud of how far you've come. But—"

"But what?" Y/n interrupted, unable to hold back her frustration any longer. "Why won't you let me do more? Why do you keep me on the sidelines?"

Moana sighed, looking back out at the ocean. "It's not that I don't trust you, Y/n. I do. But you're still learning. I've been on this journey a long time, and there are things you need to experience for yourself before you're ready for more responsibility."

Y/n clenched her fists, feeling a pang of disappointment. "I've faced TeKã. I've navigated through the worst of it. What else do I need to prove?"

Moana turned back to her, her gaze steady. "It's not just about what you've faced—it's about understanding the bigger picture. Knowing when to take risks and when to hold back. It's about patience, Y/n. And sometimes, that's the hardest lesson to learn."

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