Only friends || Glinda [Wicked]

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The buzz surrounding Glinda and Y/n's latest film was palpable

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The buzz surrounding Glinda and Y/n's latest film was palpable. It was a romantic drama that took the world by storm, with Glinda portraying a bubbly, passionate character in a love affair with Y/n's enigmatic and reserved character. Fans were instantly hooked, obsessing over the sizzling on-screen chemistry. Social media exploded with hashtags and threads, speculating whether the romance between the two actors had spilled into real life. After all, they were constantly seen together at events, their banter off-screen just as charming as their interactions on camera.

Headlines screamed: "Are Glinda and Y/n More Than Just Co-stars?" Every interview they gave was dissected for clues, every glance exchanged between them analyzed. Fan theories ran wild, with some convinced they had caught the two sharing secret looks during press tours.

It all reached a fever pitch when the pair appeared together for an exclusive interview. Glinda, her usual effervescent self, laughed as the interviewer coyly hinted at the rumors swirling around them. "So, you and Y/n... there's a lot of chatter out there," the interviewer teased. 

Glinda exchanged a playful glance with Y/n, then turned back to the camera, grinning. "Oh, we've seen the chatter," she said with a laugh. "But sorry to disappoint—Y/n and I are just really good friends. No real-life romance here, folks!" 

Y/n, sitting next to her, chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, sorry to burst that bubble," Y/n added, still smiling warmly at Glinda.

The interviewer pressed further, asking about their close bond, to which Glinda responded, "We had such an amazing time working together. When you spend that much time with someone on set, you really get to know them. But trust me—it's all in the magic of acting."

As the interview wrapped up, Y/n and Glinda gave each other a tight hug, both laughing softly, clearly amused by the rumors. It was a moment that sent fans into overdrive, with some convinced it was yet another sign of something more between them, while others took their word for it—just two friends having fun.

Despite Glinda's confirmation, the rumors didn't fully fade. Fan edits of their on-screen and off-screen moments kept circulating, with people still wishing their fictional love could somehow be real. Glinda and Y/n, meanwhile, continued to navigate their new status as fan-favorite co-stars, enjoying the attention while keeping their friendship at the heart of it all.

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora