Intimate photo || Mignon [Mignon]

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Mignon sat on the edge of the old, worn-out couch in his small, dimly lit apartment

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Mignon sat on the edge of the old, worn-out couch in his small, dimly lit apartment. The room was a stark contrast to the roaring crowds and bright lights of the illegal fighting arena where he spent his nights. Here, the silence was heavy, almost suffocating, broken only by the soft ticking of a clock on the wall. His hands trembled as he held his phone, staring at the screen in disbelief. The photo, once a private moment, was now plastered all over the internet—an intimate image of him, vulnerable in a way he never wanted anyone to see.

Tears welled up in his crimson eyes, blurring the hateful comments that accompanied the image. His heart pounded, not from the physical exertion he was used to in the ring, but from the sheer terror and humiliation of his privacy being violated. How could this happen? Who would do this to him? 

Mignon felt the weight of the world crashing down on him, and the confidence he exuded in the ring crumbled. He was no longer the fierce fighter everyone cheered for; he was just a man, broken and exposed. His body, sculpted by years of grueling training, was now the subject of cruel jokes and lewd remarks. The shame was overwhelming.

As the first tear slipped down his cheek, there was a knock at the door. Mignon hesitated, quickly wiping his face with the back of his hand, trying to compose himself. But before he could respond, the door creaked open, revealing Y/n, a close friend who had always been there for him. Y/n's face softened as they took in the sight of Mignon—his slumped shoulders, the phone clutched tightly in his hand, and the silent tears he tried so hard to hide.

"Hey, Mignon," Y/n said softly, stepping into the room and closing the door behind them. "I came as soon as I heard."

Mignon didn't respond, his eyes fixed on the floor. He felt so small, so exposed. How could he face Y/n like this? The person who always saw him as strong, now seeing him in his weakest moment.

Y/n sat down beside him, close enough to offer comfort but leaving enough space for Mignon to have his own thoughts. They waited for a moment, sensing that Mignon needed time to process everything. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Y/n gently placed a hand on his arm.

"Mignon, I'm so sorry this happened to you," Y/n began, their voice full of compassion. "But you don't have to go through this alone."

Mignon shook his head, his voice cracking as he finally spoke. "I... I don't know how to deal with this. I've fought so many battles, but this... this is different. It's not something I can just punch my way out of."

"I know," Y/n replied, their hand gently rubbing his arm. "But you're more than just a fighter. You're a person with feelings, and it's okay to be hurt by this. What they did to you is wrong, and it doesn't define who you are."

Mignon's grip on his phone tightened, the screen still showing the hateful comments. "I just feel so... ashamed. Like everyone's looking at me for all the wrong reasons."

Y/n carefully took the phone from his hand, turning it off and setting it aside. "You have nothing to be ashamed of, Mignon. Those people don't know you. They don't know the real you, the one who's kind, and caring, and so much more than what's in that photo."

Mignon looked up at Y/n, tears streaming freely now. "But what if everyone sees me like that now? What if they don't see me as a fighter anymore, but just... just a piece of meat?"

Y/n shook their head, their eyes filled with determination. "Then they're wrong. You are more than just a fighter or a body. You're someone who's survived so much, who's still standing despite everything. And that strength, that resilience—that's what matters."

Mignon let out a shaky breath, feeling a small sense of relief in Y/n's words. "But how do I move forward? How do I face the world after this?"

Y/n smiled softly, squeezing his hand. "You move forward one step at a time. And you don't have to do it alone. I'm here for you, Mignon. We'll get through this together. You've been strong for so long, maybe it's time to let someone else be strong for you."

Mignon's tears fell harder now, but this time, they weren't just from pain. They were from the comfort of knowing he wasn't alone, from the warmth of Y/n's unwavering support. He leaned into Y/n, letting the tears flow freely, feeling their arms wrap around him in a gentle embrace.

"Thank you," Mignon whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Thank you for being here."

Y/n held him closer, their voice soft but full of conviction. "Always, Mignon. I'm always here for you."

And for the first time since the photo leaked, Mignon allowed himself to believe it. In the safety of Y/n's embrace, he felt a glimmer of hope—a hope that, no matter how dark the world seemed, there was always a light to guide him through the shadows.

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