Absent father || Sammy Bagel Jr. [Sausage party: foodtopia]

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Y/n, a vibrant and sweet pineapple, had always carried a heaviness in her heart

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Y/n, a vibrant and sweet pineapple, had always carried a heaviness in her heart. On the outside, she was tough, her spiky exterior giving the illusion of strength. But on the inside, she felt lost—abandoned. The absence of her father throughout most of her life, caused by the bitter divorce between her parents, had left her feeling hollow, like pieces of her were missing. 

She sat on a grocery store shelf, alone, her mind swirling with thoughts she could no longer hold back. Why hadn't he tried harder? Why hadn't he fought for her? Every time she thought of it, the questions resurfaced, leaving her with a painful knot in her chest.

That's when Sammy Bagel Jr. rolled by. He was usually chipper, despite his own existential worries, but today he noticed something different about Y/n. Her bright yellow skin seemed dimmer, her once sweet smile nowhere to be found.

"Hey, Y/n," Sammy said, rolling closer, his voice soft but tinged with concern. "What's going on, kid? You seem... off."

Y/n glanced at him, her eyes heavy with sorrow. "It's... it's nothing, Sammy. You wouldn't get it." She tried to dismiss him, but her voice cracked.

Sammy wasn't about to let her shrug him off. "Hey, listen, I may be a bagel, but I know pain when I see it. You don't have to go through this alone." He scooted closer, his voice warm and sincere.

Y/n's tough exterior finally began to crumble. "It's my dad," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. "He left when I was just a little pineapple. My parents divorced, and he... he just vanished. He didn't even try to stay in touch. I keep thinking, maybe if I was better, if I did something different, he would've stayed. But now... now it just feels like he didn't care enough."

Sammy listened, his heart aching for her. He knew how much of a toll absent parents could take on a person. In the food world, bonds were important, and the sense of abandonment Y/n felt was all too real. He sighed softly before speaking.

"Y/n, listen to me." Sammy's voice was steady, gentle, as he reached out to place his doughy hand on her. "What happened with your dad... that wasn't your fault. Sometimes, people—whether they're fruits, bagels, or even humans—they make choices that hurt us, but it's not because of something we did. Your dad's absence was his failure, not yours."

Y/n's tears began to fall, her spikes trembling as the bottled-up emotions poured out. "But why didn't he care enough to stay? Why didn't he love me enough?"

Sammy sighed again, his heart breaking for her. "People can be complicated and selfish. Divorce is messy, and sometimes adults make decisions without thinking about how it affects the ones they leave behind. But I want you to hear this loud and clear: you are enough, Y/n. His leaving was his loss. He missed out on watching you grow into the incredible pineapple you are today."

Y/n sniffled, her tears slowing as she absorbed Sammy's words. "You really think so?" she asked, her voice shaky but filled with a small glimmer of hope.

"I know so," Sammy said, smiling warmly. "You're sweet, strong, and resilient. That's who you are. And that's what makes you special—not whether your dad was around or not."

Y/n let out a soft sob, but this time it was more of a release than a cry of pain. Sammy rolled in closer, and despite being a little awkward, he gave her a hug, his bagel body soft and comforting.

"Thank you, Sammy," Y/n whispered, her voice tender. "I guess I just needed to hear that."

"Anytime, kid," Sammy replied, his smile genuine. "And remember, you've got people around who care about you. You're never truly alone."

As Y/n rested her head on Sammy's doughy shoulder, she felt a warmth she hadn't felt in a long time. Sammy was right—her father's absence may have left a scar, but it didn't define her. She still had people who cared, who loved her for who she was. And maybe, just maybe, she could begin to heal.

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