A different boy || Carlos [Descendants 2]

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Y/n had always been close to Audrey and Chad Charming

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Y/n had always been close to Audrey and Chad Charming. They were the perfect pair—Audrey with her impeccable manners and Chad with his charming smile. Since the day Y/n started at Auradon Prep, the three of them had been inseparable. Audrey and Chad were like family to her, always looking out for her, especially when it came to the troublemakers from the Isle of the Lost. The most notorious of them all was Carlos de Vil. To Audrey and Chad, Carlos was nothing but trouble—a boy raised in villainy, incapable of being anything other than mean.

But Y/n saw something different in Carlos.

Since the day Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos arrived at Auradon Prep, she couldn't help but notice how Carlos seemed... different. He wasn't like the others. While the others settled into their roles as the school's new rebels, Carlos seemed quieter, almost shy. Y/n saw how he tried to be nice to people, but they often turned him away. It made her heart ache, seeing someone who just wanted to belong being rejected time and again.

She kept these feelings to herself, though. Audrey and Chad had made it clear that they didn't trust Carlos, and Y/n was afraid to show her true feelings to them. She didn't want to disappoint her friends or lose their trust. So, she smiled and played along, never revealing the growing crush she had on Carlos.

One afternoon, after a particularly long class, Y/n was about to head back to her room when the Fairy Godmother called her over. 

"Y/n, dear, I have a favor to ask," Fairy Godmother said with a warm smile. "Carlos de Vil needs some help with his studies, and I thought you'd be the perfect person to tutor him."

Y/n's heart skipped a beat. Tutor Carlos? Spend time alone with him? She couldn't believe it. But she knew she couldn't let her excitement show. "Of course, I'd be happy to help," she replied, keeping her voice calm.

As she headed back to her room to gather some books on politeness and manners, Y/n ran into Audrey and Chad.

"Hey, Y/n! Want to hang out?" Audrey asked, linking her arm with Y/n's.

Y/n hesitated, glancing at the books she was holding. "I'd love to, but I can't today. I have to tutor someone."

Chad raised an eyebrow. "Tutor who?"

Y/n bit her lip, knowing this wouldn't go over well. "Carlos de Vil."

Both Audrey and Chad's faces darkened. "Carlos?" Audrey said, her voice tinged with disapproval. "Why would you waste your time with him?"

"He's just going to drag you down, Y/n," Chad added. "You shouldn't be spending time with someone like that."

Y/n felt a pang of guilt but stood her ground. "I gave my word, and I'm going to help him. I'll see you guys later, okay?" She quickly made her way to the library before they could say anything more.

In the library, she found Carlos sitting alone at a table, looking nervous. When he saw Y/n, his face lit up. "Hi, Y/n. Thanks for agreeing to help me."

"It's no problem, Carlos," she said, sitting down beside him. "Let's get started."

As they worked through the lessons, Carlos gradually opened up to her. "I want to be better," he admitted. "Like you, Y/n. You're always so kind to everyone, even when they're not kind back."

Y/n's heart fluttered. "Carlos, you can be a great person. I see it in you already."

He looked at her, his expression serious. "Do you really think so?"

"I do," Y/n said softly.

There was a moment of silence, and then Carlos leaned in closer. "Y/n, I... I really like you. I've liked you for a while now."

Y/n felt her cheeks flush. "I like you too, Carlos," she whispered, her heart pounding in her chest.

Carlos smiled, a real, genuine smile. "Would you be my girlfriend?"

Y/n didn't even have to think about it. "Yes."

Carlos offered to walk her back to her room, and as they approached, Y/n saw Audrey and Chad waiting for her, their faces filled with disapproval. 

"Y/n, what are you doing with him?" Audrey demanded.

"Stay away from him, Y/n. He's no good for you," Chad insisted.

Y/n felt a surge of frustration and finally, courage. "No, I won't stay away from him. Carlos is my friend, and he's my boyfriend now. You don't get to make decisions for me."

Audrey and Chad looked stunned, and for a moment, no one said anything. Y/n held her ground, standing beside Carlos, her hand in his. She knew she had made the right choice. For the first time, she was living her life for herself, and it felt good.

With Carlos by her side, Y/n knew that she could finally show her true self, without fear of judgment or rejection. And that was all that mattered.

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora