Sex lessons || Sunny [My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale]

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The sun was setting over Maretime Bay, casting a golden glow on the rolling hills and colorful houses

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The sun was setting over Maretime Bay, casting a golden glow on the rolling hills and colorful houses. As usual, Sunny Starscout and her best friend Y/n were sitting outside the Brighthouse, sharing stories and laughs. They had been inseparable since Y/n arrived in town, with their friendship filled with lighthearted banter and inside jokes.

But lately, their conversations had taken on a slightly different tone—one that had the potential to push boundaries. They both liked to joke around, but sometimes their teasing got... suggestive. Nothing was ever outright said, but there was always that edge, a playful flirtation just under the surface.

Sunny took a sip from her smoothie, glancing sideways at Y/n. "So... you ever notice how Hitch gets really intense when he's 'handling the law?'" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, emphasizing the word in a way that made Y/n snicker.

"Oh yeah, real intense," Y/n replied, leaning back against the wooden bench. "He's all business, isn't he? Real good at... keeping things in line."

They both laughed, though there was a hint of something more in the air, something unspoken.

Sunny grinned mischievously, twirling her straw between her hooves. "And what about Zipp? She's always flying around, so *focused.* I bet she's got a lot of energy to burn when she's not chasing criminals."

Y/n rolled their eyes, a smile tugging at the corner of their lips. "Oh, I'm sure. You think she ever lets loose? Maybe she's secretly wild when nopony's watching."

Sunny raised an eyebrow, her voice dropping to a playful whisper. "I wouldn't be surprised if Zipp's got a wild side. Gotta release that tension somehow, right?"

They burst out laughing again, the innuendo lingering in the air between them. The conversations were always lighthearted, but there was no denying the subtle undercurrent that had crept into their friendship lately.

As the laughter faded, Y/n looked at Sunny, their smile softening. "You know, we joke about this stuff all the time, but... do you ever think there's more to it?"

Sunny blinked, caught off guard by the sudden shift in tone. "More to it? Like... what do you mean?"

Y/n hesitated for a moment before shrugging casually. "I don't know. We joke about Hitch and Zipp, but it kinda feels like we're dancing around something else. Like... us."

Sunny's cheeks flushed a little, the golden light of the sunset making the blush even more noticeable. "Us? What are you saying, Y/n?"

Y/n met her gaze, their eyes serious but still filled with that familiar warmth. "I'm saying... maybe we've been doing a lot of *dancing* around something that's been there for a while. Something more than just best friends."

Sunny's heart skipped a beat, the playful mood suddenly feeling much more charged. "Oh... I didn't realize you felt that way."

Y/n chuckled softly, leaning in closer. "Well, I wasn't sure either. But all this teasing, the way we talk... I think there's been something between us for a while. I just didn't know how to bring it up without making things weird."

Sunny glanced down at her hooves, her mind racing. It wasn't like she hadn't noticed the shift in their dynamic, but she hadn't really thought about what it meant. Now that Y/n was saying it out loud, it felt both exciting and terrifying.

"I... I guess I've been thinking about it too," Sunny admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I didn't want to mess up what we have."

Y/n smiled, their eyes softening. "I don't think it would mess anything up. I mean, we've always had this connection, Sunny. Maybe it's just time we stop dancing around it."

Sunny looked up, meeting Y/n's gaze. The air between them felt charged, but not in the same teasing, playful way it usually did. This felt different—more real, more intimate.

"What if we're wrong?" Sunny asked quietly. "What if it does change everything?"

Y/n reached out, gently placing a hoof on hers. "Then we'll figure it out. Together."

The words hung in the air, full of promise and uncertainty. Sunny felt her heart racing, the weight of the moment settling over her. She had always cherished her friendship with Y/n, but maybe—just maybe—it was time to see if there was something more.

And maybe, just maybe, they'd been waiting for this moment all along.

Sunny smiled softly, her blush deepening. "Well... I guess we could stop dancing and see where it takes us."

Y/n grinned, their teasing tone returning for just a moment. "Oh, Sunny, I knew you'd come around. And hey, if it doesn't work out... we can always go back to making jokes about Hitch's intensity."

Sunny laughed, feeling the tension ease just a little. "Yeah, I guess we always have that."

But deep down, she knew things would never quite be the same again—and maybe that was exactly what she wanted.

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