Between goals and heartbeats || Gabo • Ulisses [O11CE]

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In the intense world of the IAD, where soccer dreams are pursued with fierce determination, Y/n finds herself caught in an unexpected love triangle between two of the academy's brightest stars—Gabo Moreti and Ulisses

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In the intense world of the IAD, where soccer dreams are pursued with fierce determination, Y/n finds herself caught in an unexpected love triangle between two of the academy's brightest stars—Gabo Moreti and Ulisses. Torn between loyalty and passion, Y/n must navigate the challenges of the heart while remaining true to herself.

The afternoon sun cast a golden glow over the IAD soccer field as Y/n watched Gabo and Ulisses finish up their practice. She had spent countless hours on the sidelines, analyzing strategies, and offering advice, but lately, something else had occupied her mind—something more complicated than any playbook.

As the boys jogged over to her, Gabo was the first to speak, his warm smile lighting up his face. "Hey, Y/n. You have any tips for us today?"

Y/n returned his smile, feeling a familiar flutter in her chest. "You were great out there, Gabo. Maybe work on those corner kicks a bit more, but overall, a shit solid performance."

"Thanks," Gabo said, his eyes lingering on hers. "It helps when I have the best coach around."

Before Y/n could respond, Ulisses joined them, his tone laced with playful sarcasm. "Is that so, Gabo? Maybe I need to steal Y/n away to coach me instead."

Y/n chuckled, though she could sense the tension underlying Ulisses' words. "I'm not taking sides here, Ulisses. You both know I'm just here to help."

Ulisses leaned in slightly, his gaze intense. "And you're doing a great job. But maybe you should decide which one of us really needs your help."

Gabo's smile faded as he caught the challenge in Ulisses' tone. "Y/n doesn't have to choose, Ulisses. We're a team."

"A team, huh?" Ulisses shot back, his voice cool. "Then why does it feel like there's more at stake here than just soccer?"

Y/n's heart raced as she realized where the conversation was headed. She glanced between the two, unsure of what to say. The last thing she wanted was to be the cause of any rift between them, but it was clear that this was about more than just the game.

"Gabo, Ulisses..." Y/n began, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. "I care about both of you. But I need you to understand that this—whatever this fuck is—can't affect the team."

Ulisses crossed his arms, his expression unreadable. "And what about you, Y/n? How do you feel?"

Y/n hesitated, searching for the right words. "I don't know. I'm still figuring it out. But what I do know is that I don't want to lose either of you as friends. And I don't want this to come between you."

Gabo stepped closer, his voice softening. "We wouldn't want that either. But... I can't deny that I have feelings for you, Y/n."

Ulisses remained silent for a moment before finally speaking, his voice lower, almost vulnerable. "So do I."

Y/n felt the weight of their confessions pressing down on her. She had known, deep down, that this moment would come, but that didn't make it any easier. "I appreciate your honesty, both of you. But right now, I need time. Time to figure out what I really want, and to make sure I don't hurt either of you."

Gabo nodded slowly, respect in his eyes. "Take all the time you need, Y/n. We'll be here, no matter what."

Ulisses didn't say anything more, but the slight nod he gave was enough for Y/n to know he understood.

As they stood there, the three of them, the sun dipping below the horizon, Y/n knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy. But for now, she was grateful for their understanding and the chance to navigate her feelings at her own pace.

"Thank you," Y/n said quietly, her voice filled with sincerity. "For everything."

With that, they parted ways for the evening, each lost in their own thoughts, yet somehow closer than before. Y/n walked away with a sense of relief and a promise to herself that she would make the right decision when the time was right.

For now, there was a game to play, and that was where her focus needed to be. The heart could wait, but the dream—well, that was something she wasn't willing to put on hold.

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