Lost in language || Pomni [The amazing digital circus]

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Y/n stepped through the glitching doorway into the Digital Circus, the bizarre, kaleidoscopic world around her swirling with unnatural colors and shapes

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Y/n stepped through the glitching doorway into the Digital Circus, the bizarre, kaleidoscopic world around her swirling with unnatural colors and shapes. She wasn't sure how she had ended up here, only that this place didn't make sense—nothing did. Her heart raced, her skin prickled with unease, and the world itself felt like it was closing in on her. She tried to remember her life before this, but the details slipped through her mind like water. Who was she? What was her name, even? Everything felt wrong.

Days blurred together in this virtual nightmare. The other inhabitants seemed unfazed, maybe even desensitized, but Y/n could feel the weight of the unreality crushing her. Every day she looked in the mirror, and the reflection staring back was more of a stranger. Her features warped, twisted, unfamiliar. The cartoonish avatar she had been given in this world felt like a mockery of whatever person she once was. Was this even her body anymore?

She turned to Pomni for comfort. Pomni, with her big, expressive eyes and her gentle voice, seemed like the only one who understood Y/n's confusion. Whenever Y/n would start spiraling into a panic, Pomni would be there, offering a soft word or a reassuring touch. It was more than just friendship; Y/n felt something deeper, something that made her pulse race in a way that both scared and excited her.

But even this bond started to feel wrong, twisted by the nature of the circus. Y/n couldn't tell what was real anymore. Her emotions became tangled—was it love? Obsession? Something darker? She didn't know. The digital world around them was breaking her, and in her mind, Pomni was the only tether keeping her from falling apart completely.

One day, during a routine task, Y/n snapped. Something inside her shattered when she was forced to confront the growing void of her identity. She was holding a simple tool, but it felt foreign in her hand. It twisted into a jagged shape, and before she could even process what was happening, she had struck one of the others—Ragatha, perhaps?—leaving a streak of code-like blood across the bright, neon floor.

The sight of it, the violence, sent a shock through Y/n's system. Her heart pounded as the digital blood oozed in strange, unnatural patterns. She watched as the pixels broke down and dissipated into the air, but it felt too real. Too visceral. It was wrong—everything was wrong. Y/n felt the scream clawing its way up her throat, her mind unraveling as she stumbled back, shaking.

"Y/n..." Pomni's voice was soft, but it cut through the noise in Y/n's head like a blade. She stood there, looking at Y/n with wide, almost terrified eyes.

"I didn't mean to—" Y/n's voice cracked as her hands shook, stained with that grotesque digital blood. "I don't even know who I am anymore, Pomni. I'm losing myself."

Pomni stepped closer, hesitating. "You're still you... we can get through this. Together."

But Y/n wasn't sure. She wasn't sure of anything anymore. Every time she looked at Pomni, she felt something violent stirring in her chest—a mix of longing and rage, love and hatred. This world was poisoning her, warping her mind. How much longer before she lost herself completely? Before she hurt Pomni the way she had hurt Ragatha?

"I can't..." Y/n whispered, backing away. "I don't even know if you're real, Pomni."

The words hung heavy between them, the digital world around them flickering ominously. Y/n's breath hitched as she saw the glitching walls start to shift and tremble. Her mind was fracturing, and reality was cracking alongside it.

Pomni reached out, but Y/n couldn't bear it anymore. She fled, disappearing into the maze of the Digital Circus, leaving Pomni behind with a broken expression. Y/n ran until her legs gave out, collapsing to her knees in the endless, shifting corridors of this digital hell. Blood pounded in her ears, her vision blurry with tears.

"Who am I?" she screamed into the void. But no answer came, only the twisted echoes of her own voice reverberating back at her.

The Digital Circus offered no solace, no escape from the torment inside her mind. Y/n could feel her grip on reality slipping further with every passing day, every distorted interaction. She wasn't just losing herself—she was being consumed by this place, by her own unraveling emotions. And the worst part? She didn't know if she wanted to fight it anymore.

Maybe she wasn't real. Maybe none of them were. Maybe it was all just a nightmare she would never wake up from.

And maybe... just maybe... Pomni wasn't the savior she thought she was.

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora