I missed you || Ellian [Spellbound]

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In the magical kingdom of Lumbria, where the sun always glowed softly on enchanted lands, everything had changed overnight

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In the magical kingdom of Lumbria, where the sun always glowed softly on enchanted lands, everything had changed overnight. A dark spell had split the once-unified kingdom in two, with one half of the land trapped in eternal twilight, while the other basked in harsh, unrelenting daylight. At the heart of the tragedy were the royal family, whose lives had been shattered by the curse. The worst part was that Ellian's parents, the King and Queen, had been transformed into monstrous creatures, leaving Ellian and her sister Y/n to fix the mess.

Ellian, the youngest princess, stood at the edge of the border where the two halves of Lumbria clashed, her fingers trembling as she clutched a glowing map. She was determined to break the curse, but the weight of the task felt impossibly heavy. Her sister Y/n, who had been away for years, had only recently returned, drawn back by the chaos, but there was a distance between them. They hadn't been close in years, and now, the stakes were higher than ever.

"Ellian, you sure about this?" Y/n asked, her voice low, as they stared into the shadowy half of the kingdom where their parents were rumored to be trapped in monstrous forms. "We don't even know where to start."

Ellian's eyes flickered with uncertainty, but she held her chin high. "I have to be sure, Y/n. There's no one else who can do this."

Y/n sighed, crossing her arms. She had always been the more cynical of the two, the one who questioned everything. "I didn't come all this way back to Lumbria just to let you run headfirst into danger. We need a real plan. You know how this magic shit works; it's tricky."

Ellian frowned, her frustration bubbling up. She knew Y/n was trying to help, but it always felt like she was being doubted. "I know it's tricky, but this is our only shot. I'm not going to just sit around while our parents are out there, suffering."

Y/n glanced at her sister, noting the desperation in her voice. She could see how much Ellian had grown in the years since she'd been gone. She wasn't the same timid girl who used to follow Y/n around, wide-eyed and eager for approval. Ellian was stronger now, but Y/n couldn't help but feel protective. Their relationship had always been complicated—years of distance and unsaid things between them—and this crisis wasn't making it any easier.

"You think I don't want to help?" Y/n snapped, her voice sharper than she intended. "I'm here, aren't I? But just because you've got that damn map doesn't mean it'll lead us to some magical fix. These things—" she gestured to the darkened lands—"they have a way of fighting back."

Ellian flinched at the edge in Y/n's tone, her heart tightening. "I'm not asking you to believe in the map. I'm asking you to believe in me."

The words hung in the air, heavier than any spell.

Y/n clenched her jaw, taking a breath. The truth was, she *did* believe in Ellian, but she was scared—scared of losing her sister, scared of failing. She had run from Lumbria years ago to escape the pressure of royal life, but now she was back, and everything was falling apart.

"Fine," Y/n muttered, rubbing the back of her neck. "I believe in you. I do. But we need to do this together. No rushing in blind."

Ellian softened, her defenses dropping a little. "Together then," she agreed, her eyes locking with Y/n's. "But we have to go into the darklands. It's the only way to find the source of the spell and break it. And... we have to face them."

Y/n nodded grimly, knowing "them" meant their parents—now twisted into creatures by the curse. It was a reality that neither of them had truly come to terms with, but there was no escaping it now.

As they ventured into the twilight side of Lumbria, the air grew thick with magic, and the trees loomed like dark sentinels, their branches whispering secrets. Ellian led the way, the map glowing faintly in her hands, guiding them deeper into the shadowed forest.

"I missed you, you know," Ellian said suddenly, breaking the silence. Her voice was quiet but sincere, the words heavy with emotion. "When you left. I missed having my sister around."

Y/n stiffened, not expecting the admission. "I didn't think... I didn't know it mattered to you."

"Of course, it mattered," Ellian shot back, a flash of hurt in her eyes. "You're my sister, Y/n. It mattered a lot."

Y/n exhaled slowly, guilt creeping into her chest. She had always been the one to run away when things got tough, leaving Ellian behind to face the royal duties and expectations alone. "I'm sorry. I should've been there for you."

Ellian gave her a small, sad smile. "You're here now. That's what matters."

As they walked, the sky above them darkened, and the forest grew eerily still. Suddenly, the air around them shifted, and the ground trembled beneath their feet. Out of the shadows emerged two massive creatures, their eyes glowing with unnatural light.

Ellian's breath caught in her throat. "It's them."

Their parents, now unrecognizable, towered over them, monstrous forms that pulsed with dark magic. Ellian's heart ached at the sight, but she stood her ground, clutching the map tightly.

Y/n swallowed hard, her hands balling into fists. She had never been good with emotions, but seeing their parents like this hit her harder than she expected. "Shit," she muttered under her breath. "This is bad."

But Ellian didn't back down. She stepped forward, her voice steady despite the fear swirling inside her. "Mom, Dad... I know you're still in there. We're going to fix this."

Y/n stood beside her, the two of them united despite their differences. "Yeah, we're gonna break this curse," Y/n added, her tone more confident than she felt. "You just hang in there."

The creatures growled, their eyes narrowing, but there was a flicker of recognition in their monstrous forms. Ellian felt a surge of hope. Maybe, just maybe, they could do this.

"Together," Y/n said, giving her sister a firm nod.

Ellian nodded back, her heart swelling with determination. With her sister by her side, she knew they had a chance. They would face the darkness together, and no matter how difficult the path ahead, they wouldn't stop until they had saved their parents and restored Lumbria.

Because that's what family did—no matter how much distance, time, or magic stood between them.

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora