Problems in the relationship || Nick [Heartstopper]

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Y/n sat on the edge of her bed, the dim light of her bedroom casting shadows across the walls

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Y/n sat on the edge of her bed, the dim light of her bedroom casting shadows across the walls. Her hands fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to calm the racing thoughts swirling in her head. Across the room, Nick was sitting on the floor, his back against the wall, watching her with those kind, patient eyes. He had always been gentle with her, never pushing too hard, but tonight something felt different.

Nick had suggested they spend the evening at her place, just the two of them, watching movies and talking. But as the night wore on, the conversation had veered into deeper territory—into feelings, intimacy, and the possibility of taking things to the next level. He had spoken about wanting to be closer to her, about wanting to share that part of their relationship, but the moment he mentioned it, Y/n felt the familiar knot tighten in her stomach. She wanted to be close to Nick, more than anything, but the idea of letting him see her fully, both emotionally and physically, terrified her.

She glanced at him, and he smiled softly, sensing her hesitation. "Y/n, we don't have to rush anything. I just want you to be comfortable."

His words were meant to reassure her, but they only made her feel more conflicted. How could she explain to Nick that her hesitation wasn't just about physical intimacy? It was about everything—her past, her fears, the emotional scars she carried. Y/n had never been good at letting people in. She had been hurt too many times before—abandoned by people she loved, betrayed by those she trusted. Every failed relationship had left a mark, and now those scars were walls, keeping everyone at a safe distance.

"I know," she said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's not you, Nick. It's me. I just... I don't know how to do this."

Nick frowned, concern etched across his face. He stood up and moved to sit beside her on the bed, close enough to offer comfort but far enough to respect her space. "What do you mean?"

Y/n took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I mean... I don't know how to let someone in. Not really. I've been hurt before, a lot. And every time, it's just made it harder to trust. Harder to be... vulnerable."

Nick listened, his expression soft and understanding. He didn't interrupt, didn't try to offer solutions. He just let her speak.

"I've been abandoned by people I thought would always be there," Y/n continued, her voice shaking slightly. "I've been in relationships that fell apart because I couldn't open up. And now... every time I start to feel close to someone, I just push them away. I don't mean to, but I'm so afraid that if I let someone see me—really see me—they'll leave too. Or worse, they'll hurt me."

Nick reached out and gently took her hand in his, his thumb brushing over her knuckles. "Y/n, I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that."

She wanted to believe him. She really did. But promises were fragile, easily broken. She had heard words like that before, from people who eventually left. The fear of being abandoned again gnawed at her, making it hard to trust even someone as kind and genuine as Nick.

"I'm scared," she admitted, her voice cracking. "I'm scared that if I let you in, you'll see all the broken parts of me and decide you don't want to be with me anymore. That you'll realize I'm not worth the effort."

Nick's grip on her hand tightened slightly, his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that made her chest tighten. "Y/n, you are worth everything to me. I don't care about your past or your scars. I care about you. All of you."

His words struck a chord deep within her, but they also scared her. Vulnerability had never been something she handled well. The idea of letting someone see her fully—her flaws, her fears, her insecurities—was terrifying. She had always believed that showing too much of herself would push people away. And yet, here was Nick, sitting beside her, telling her that he wanted to see all of it, that he didn't care about the messiness of her emotions.

"I don't know how to do this," Y/n repeated, her voice trembling. "I don't know how to let you in without feeling like I'm going to lose you."

Nick moved closer, his warmth enveloping her as he gently pulled her into his arms. She hesitated for a moment, but then she let herself lean into him, her head resting on his chest. His heartbeat was steady, calming her as they sat there in the quiet.

"You don't have to have all the answers right now," Nick whispered, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on her back. "We can take this one step at a time. I'm not asking for perfection. I just want to be with you, however you're comfortable. We can figure it out together."

Y/n closed her eyes, feeling the weight of his words. It wasn't easy to let someone in, especially when her past had taught her to build walls. But for the first time in a long time, she felt like maybe—just maybe—she didn't have to do it alone. Nick wasn't asking for her to be perfect. He wasn't asking her to fix everything at once. He was just offering to be there, to support her, to help her work through her fears.

"I'm afraid," she whispered.

"I know," Nick replied softly. "But you don't have to be afraid alone."

Y/n took a deep breath, letting the warmth of Nick's embrace soothe the storm of emotions swirling inside her. Maybe she didn't have to keep pushing people away. Maybe, just this once, she could let someone in.

It wouldn't be easy. The scars from her past wouldn't disappear overnight. But sitting there, wrapped in Nick's arms, Y/n realized that she didn't have to face her fears alone. Nick was patient, kind, and willing to take things at her pace. And maybe, just maybe, that was enough to start breaking down the walls she had built around herself.

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