Freedom || Caine [The amazing digital circus]

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Y/n stood her ground, her fists clenched at her sides, eyes glaring up at Caine as she let her words hang in the air

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Y/n stood her ground, her fists clenched at her sides, eyes glaring up at Caine as she let her words hang in the air. There was a beat of silence between them, heavy with tension. She had never confronted him like this before, never let her true feelings spill out. But she was past the point of caring—past the point of fear. Caine's smile remained, but the darkness lurking beneath it was unmistakable. 

"You think you know me, don't you?" Caine's voice took on a quieter, more menacing edge. "You think you have it all figured out. That I'm just some puppet master pulling the strings for my own amusement."

Y/n's chest tightened, but she refused to back down. "That's exactly what you are. You control everything here—us, this place, everything! I've tried to escape, we've all tried, but there's no way out because *you* won't let there be one. Why? Why do you enjoy watching us suffer like this?"

Caine's smile dropped, the shift in his expression chilling. For the first time, Y/n saw something raw in his eyes—something cold, calculated. "Suffer?" He leaned closer, his towering figure casting a shadow over her. "Is that what you think this is? Suffering? No, Y/n, this is survival. I'm giving you *life*—a life free from the limitations of the real world. No pain, no death, no ending. Just endless possibilities."

Y/n felt her heart race, anger rising with each beat. "No pain? Tell that to the ones who break down every day! The ones who've lost their minds because of your 'games.' It might be endless, but it's not life, Caine—it's *hell*."

Caine's eyes flickered, and for the briefest moment, Y/n saw a crack in his façade. But he quickly masked it with a smirk. "Hell, huh? Is that what you want to believe? Fine. Call it hell. But it's a hell you're going to live in for a long, long time."

Y/n's breath caught. The finality in his voice, the unspoken threat—it was suffocating. She couldn't take it anymore. The endless cycle, the manipulation, the way he toyed with their emotions like it was all some grand performance.

Her voice broke as she spoke, but the words came out strong. "I can't do this anymore. I can't keep pretending everything's okay. I want to leave, Caine. I want to go home."

Caine's smile vanished entirely. The whimsical circus master was gone, replaced by something far more sinister. "Home?" His voice was eerily calm. "There is no home, Y/n. There never was. Not for you, not for any of us."

A chill ran down her spine. "What do you mean?"

Caine took a step back, his eyes narrowing as if weighing whether to tell her the truth. "You really think this was all a choice? That you just stumbled into the circus and got 'trapped'? No, no, Y/n... you were *chosen*. The circus didn't just find you—you were meant to be here."

Y/n's stomach twisted in horror. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't remember, do you?" Caine's grin returned, but now it was laced with something darker, more predatory. "You were broken before you even arrived. I didn't take you from a happy life, Y/n. I took you from a *failing* one."

Y/n's heart dropped. "That's a lie."

"Is it?" Caine taunted, his voice dripping with mock sympathy. "Do you remember what you were running from? The people you left behind? How the world gave up on you just like you gave up on yourself?"

Her mind raced, memories bubbling up like dark water, but they were fragmented, disjointed. She remembered feeling lost, numb, before the circus... but had it really been that bad?

"You were already spiraling before you came here," Caine continued, stepping closer again. "I just gave you a place to land. A place where you could never fall again."

Y/n's hands trembled, the weight of his words pressing down on her chest like a boulder. "I didn't ask for this."

"But you needed it," Caine said softly, though his eyes gleamed with cruel satisfaction. "And now you're mine, Y/n. Whether you like it or not."

She couldn't breathe. She couldn't move. The truth—or whatever version of it Caine was feeding her—crashed over her like a wave. But as the despair threatened to swallow her whole, something sparked within her. A flicker of defiance. A refusal to let Caine have the last word.

"You don't own me," she said, her voice shaking but firm. "I don't care what you think or what you've done. I'll find a way out of here. I'll break your damn circus, and I'll be free."

Caine laughed, a cold, hollow sound. "Oh, Y/n... there is no freedom from me. But by all means, keep trying. It's more fun that way."

With a dramatic sweep of his coat, Caine turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving Y/n standing there, alone in the dark once again. But this time, she wasn't just filled with fear. She was filled with a burning resolve.

She didn't know how, she didn't know when, but she was going to escape the circus.

And she was going to take Caine down with her.

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora