Inexperienced babysitter || Angel Dust [Hazbin hotel]

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Y/n had always been a magnet for misfortune

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Y/n had always been a magnet for misfortune. From tripping over her own feet to knocking over coffee cups at job interviews, her lack of motor coordination and perpetual bad luck had earned her a reputation for being unreliable. It wasn't that she didn't try—she just seemed to have a knack for messing up even the simplest tasks. After cycling through countless jobs, from working as a barista to being a receptionist, all of which ended disastrously, Y/n found herself at rock bottom. With bills piling up and no prospects in sight, she had no choice but to take the last job opportunity available to her: being a nanny.

Babysitting had never been on her radar. She wasn't particularly good with kids, and the thought of being responsible for a tiny human made her anxiety skyrocket. But desperate times called for desperate measures, and Y/n accepted the job, hoping it wouldn't be as terrifying as she imagined. What she didn't expect, however, was that she wouldn't be babysitting just one child—there would be three.

The children belonged to Angel Dust, a successful adult film star known for his rigid attitude and harsh personality. Despite his fame and success, Angel Dust had become a man hardened by life, unable to tolerate mistakes or questions about how he raised his children. He had gone through countless nannies, each one quitting after just a few weeks, unable to deal with the pressure of working for him or handling his troubled children.

When Y/n arrived at the lavish penthouse where Angel Dust lived, she was already on edge. The glitz and glamour of his lifestyle were a stark contrast to her messy, unpredictable world. She wasn't sure what to expect from the children, but she hoped they would at least be manageable. As soon as she walked in, however, she realized that nothing was going to be easy.

The first child, Nico, was a quiet and brooding 9-year-old with a permanent scowl etched on his face. He rarely spoke, preferring to isolate himself from the world, and there was a sadness in his eyes that Y/n couldn't ignore. The second child, Bella, was a 7-year-old firecracker, constantly bouncing off the walls, defiant and full of attitude. She challenged every rule and seemed to take pleasure in pushing Y/n to her limits. The youngest, Max, was just 4, but he was already showing signs of aggression and anger that were unusual for a child his age. He lashed out at everyone around him, even his siblings, and Y/n quickly realized that each child had their own deep-seated issues to deal with.

At first, Y/n felt completely overwhelmed. The children were nothing like she had imagined. They weren't adorable and innocent—they were broken, each one carrying their own emotional scars despite their young age. And Y/n had no idea how to help them.

Angel Dust wasn't much help, either. He was distant, rarely interacting with his kids beyond enforcing strict rules and disciplining them when they stepped out of line. He believed in tough love, thinking that was the only way to raise strong, resilient children. He couldn't afford to be soft, not after everything he had been through. But what he didn't realize was that his methods were only making things worse.

Y/n struggled at first, her inexperience shining through as she tried to manage the chaos. She dropped plates, spilled juice, and tripped over toys. The children were relentless, taking advantage of her clumsiness and lack of authority. Bella in particular made it her mission to test Y/n at every turn, while Nico watched silently, and Max continued to act out.

But despite her failures, Y/n refused to give up. She knew she wasn't perfect, but she also knew that these kids needed someone who wouldn't walk away, even when things got tough. Slowly but surely, Y/n began to understand each child's pain. Nico, she discovered, had been deeply affected by the absence of his mother, who had left when he was just a baby. Bella was angry because she felt neglected, always fighting for attention in a world that seemed too busy for her. And Max... Max was too young to understand his own emotions, but he was acting out because he didn't know how else to express his fear and confusion.

Y/n began to approach the children with more patience, offering them the love and understanding they had been missing. It wasn't easy, but little by little, she saw changes in them. Nico started opening up, sharing bits and pieces of his thoughts with Y/n. Bella still had her fiery moments, but she began to soften, letting Y/n in when she needed comfort. And Max, though still struggling with his anger, showed glimpses of the sweet, caring child he truly was.

As for Angel Dust, he watched from a distance, skeptical of Y/n's methods. He had never believed in soft parenting, and seeing her approach with kindness instead of strict discipline made him uneasy. But as time passed, he couldn't deny the difference in his children. They were still difficult, but there was a light in them that hadn't been there before—a light that Y/n had helped rekindle.

One evening, after a particularly challenging day, Angel Dust sat down with Y/n, his usual rigid demeanor cracking for the first time.

"I don't get it," he admitted, his voice low. "How do you do it? How do you get through to them?"

Y/n hesitated before answering. "I just... I don't know. I try to listen. They're kids, but they're carrying so much. I think they just need someone to see them, really see them, and not treat them like a problem to be fixed."

Angel Dust was silent for a long moment, his eyes focused on the floor. "I've messed up with them, haven't I?"

Y/n didn't know how to respond at first. It was clear that Angel Dust loved his children, but his past—his own demons—had shaped the way he parented, making him believe that love meant being tough, being in control. But love, Y/n realized, was also about vulnerability, about showing kids that it was okay to feel, to make mistakes.

"They don't need you to be perfect," Y/n said gently. "They just need you to be there. To love them, flaws and all."

Angel Dust nodded, his expression softening. It wasn't an easy change for him, but over time, he began to shift the way he interacted with his children. He started spending more time with them, not just enforcing rules but actually getting to know them. He listened to Nico's quiet thoughts, played with Bella even when she was defiant, and held Max when the little boy was overwhelmed by his emotions.

For the first time in their lives, the children felt seen, loved in a way they hadn't been before. And though it wasn't always smooth sailing—there were still plenty of tantrums, arguments, and difficult moments—the family began to heal.

Y/n, despite her clumsiness and inexperience, had become the glue that held them together. She wasn't just a nanny anymore; she was a part of their family. And in helping the children overcome their inner monsters, she found that she was overcoming her own. She learned that she didn't have to be perfect to make a difference—that sometimes, just being there, loving people through their messiness, was enough.

As Angel Dust watched his children laugh and play one evening, with Y/n by their side, he realized that hiring her had been the best mistake he had ever made. In her own way, Y/n had saved them all, teaching them that love, no matter how imperfect, was the most powerful thing of all.

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