Rebellion || Glinda [Wicked]

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The story opens in a high school where Glinda and Y/n are both students, with Glinda embodying the "queen bee" persona

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The story opens in a high school where Glinda and Y/n are both students, with Glinda embodying the "queen bee" persona. She's always smiling, complimenting everyone, and making sure her presence is felt in every social circle. But beneath that shiny exterior, Glinda has a hidden agenda—she uses her status to manipulate people, making them think she's doing them a favor when, in reality, she's getting something out of it.

Y/n, on the other hand, couldn't care less about popularity. She's known for challenging authority at every chance and doesn't hide her disdain for the school's bullshit rules. The teachers hate her, but the students admire her for her fearlessness. Y/n's rebellious nature had caught the attention of Glinda, and while they have nothing in common on the surface, Glinda sees Y/n as a potential tool for her schemes.

One day after school, Glinda approaches Y/n, her ever-present smile plastered on her face.

"Hey, Y/n! You look like you could use a friend."

Y/n scoffs, leaning against her locker. "Fuck off, Glinda. I don't need your fake-ass pity."

Glinda laughs, completely unfazed. "Oh, come on, don't be like that. I've seen you stir shit up around here, and honestly? I love it. We could be, like, unstoppable together. Think about it—brains, beauty, and bad-ass attitude? That's a dream team."

Y/n raises an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "What the hell are you talking about? I don't do your type of 'teamwork.' I'm not here to be your little pawn."

"Oh, I wouldn't dare. You're way too smart for that," Glinda replies sweetly, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "But you know, it wouldn't hurt to have some *protection* around here. Especially with all those rumors about how you were talking shit about Principal Daniels..."

Y/n narrows her eyes. "What rumors?"

Glinda shrugs nonchalantly. "Who knows? People love to gossip. But you piss off the wrong people, and boom—you're expelled."

Y/n's fists clench. "You started those rumors, didn't you? You fucking snake."

Glinda tilts her head innocently, though her eyes gleam with satisfaction. "Oh, don't be mad. I'm just looking out for you. Join me, and those rumors? Gone. I'll make sure of it. And in return, you help me with a few... favors."

Y/n glares at her, her voice low and threatening. "You think you scare me with your bullshit? I'd rather get kicked out than kiss your ass."

Glinda's smile fades slightly, but she quickly recovers. "Suit yourself. But just so you know, everyone's on my side. Even if you think you're untouchable, people are tired of your *fuck-you* attitude. It's only a matter of time before you're out of here."

Y/n laughs darkly, stepping closer to Glinda. "Keep running your mouth, princess. The only reason people suck up to you is because they're scared of being on your shit list. But me? I don't give a fuck about your little power trip. You wanna play dirty? Let's play dirty."

For weeks, tension builds between them, with Glinda pulling strings behind the scenes to make Y/n's life hell. Rumors spread like wildfire, and teachers start coming down harder on Y/n. Despite it all, Y/n refuses to bow down, doubling down on her rebellious streak—skipping classes, vandalizing school property, and causing chaos during assemblies. The more Glinda pushes, the more Y/n pushes back, each move more reckless than the last.

But one day, Glinda takes things too far. During lunch, she stages a "friendly intervention" with Y/n's closest friends, manipulating them into thinking Y/n is spiraling out of control and needs help.

"You guys, I'm really worried about Y/n," Glinda says, her voice filled with fake concern. "She's been so... off lately, and I think it's because of all the trouble she's been causing. If we don't do something, she's going to get herself expelled, or worse. We have to be there for her."

Y/n walks in mid-conversation, overhearing the bullshit coming from Glinda's mouth. She storms over, her eyes blazing with fury.

"Are you fucking serious, Glinda?" Y/n snarls. "You've been screwing with me for weeks, and now you're pretending to *care* about me?"

Glinda puts on her best shocked expression. "Y/n, I'm just trying to help! We all are. You're acting so self-destructive, and we're worried—"

"Save it," Y/n cuts her off, her voice shaking with rage. "You don't give a damn about anyone but yourself. You've been using people this whole time, making everyone believe you're this perfect little angel, but you're nothing but a manipulative bitch."

The cafeteria goes dead silent. Everyone is watching.

Glinda's smile falters, and for the first time, she looks unsure. But she quickly recovers, flipping her hair with a smirk. "Wow, Y/n, you're really losing it, huh? You should probably calm down before you embarrass yourself even more."

Y/n steps closer until she's right in Glinda's face. "I'm done playing your stupid fucking games. You wanna mess with me? Fine. But I'm not going down alone. I'm taking you with me."

Without another word, Y/n grabs her tray and dumps the contents over Glinda's head, the cafeteria erupting in gasps and laughter. Glinda shrieks, her perfect hair and makeup ruined as mashed potatoes and gravy slide down her face.

As the chaos unfolds, Y/n turns on her heel and walks out, flipping Glinda off as she goes. "Fuck you, Glinda. You're not the queen of shit."

The story ends with Glinda standing there, humiliated, her carefully constructed facade cracking. She realizes, for the first time, that Y/n might actually be a threat to her reign.

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