You must scream || Elio [Elio]

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Elio has always been obsessed with outer space, dreaming of exploring new worlds and learning about alien cultures

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Elio has always been obsessed with outer space, dreaming of exploring new worlds and learning about alien cultures. His active imagination becomes a key component in the story, as he navigates the wonders of the Communiverse, balancing childlike wonder with growing realizations about the complexities of relationships—both human and alien.

Elio encounters different species with unique ways of expressing intimacy and relationships. Some of these relationships strike him as uncomfortable, even though he may not fully understand why at first. There are whispers of diplomatic figures using their power to manipulate or control others for personal gain. Elio sees how certain beings behave unethically, exploiting their positions of authority or influence.

Elio meets an alien ambassador who speaks fondly of their young assistant, but over time, Elio notices how the assistant seems fearful and restrained, their actions guided by more than just loyalty.

As Elio grows more aware of his surroundings, he begins to notice subtle forms of repression. Some alien cultures treat love, desire, or attraction as taboo, forbidding certain expressions of affection. Others seem to encourage secret affairs or infidelity. Elio draws a connection between these alien customs and things he's witnessed in his own family—like his Aunt Y/n's troubled relationship with her partner, which might have hints of infidelity or emotional neglect.

Elio overhears a conversation where an alien leader speaks of their own frustration with a partner, mentioning how they've "found comfort elsewhere" without directly naming infidelity. Elio becomes unsettled, as it reminds him of the tension between Y/n and her partner.

Feeling confused and troubled, Elio wrestles with how to make sense of what he's learned. He's deeply protective of Y/n, who has always been a strong figure in his life, but he knows that some of the things he's witnessed in the Communiverse have real-world parallels that need to be addressed. In a pivotal moment, he decides to share his concerns with Y/n, speaking in metaphors about the inappropriate dynamics he's witnessed, hoping she'll understand his concerns without being too direct.

Elio, after returning to Earth, sits with Y/n:

"You know, Aunt Y/n, in space, there are all kinds of strange rules about love and trust. Some beings... they hide things from each other. Some of them take advantage of others who trust them. It's... wrong, I think."

"What do you mean, Elio?"

"I met an ambassador who... wasn't very nice to someone they cared about. They pretended everything was fine, but I could tell. The other person was scared. They didn't feel free to say anything. It reminded me of... things here. Things you've been through. Are you... okay?"

This conversation allows Elio to express his concerns without explicitly naming sexual abuse or infidelity, using his experience in the Communiverse as a metaphor to explore those topics. Y/n, in turn, can choose to open up or reflect on her own experiences based on Elio's revelations.

Y/n listens to Elio's story with increasing understanding. His concern makes her reflect on her own situation, and while she's protective of him, she also begins to realize the importance of speaking out about the injustices and toxic relationships in her own life. This becomes a moment of mutual vulnerability—Elio, though young, helps Y/n acknowledge her own struggles and empowers her to take action.

Y/n may either open up about her struggles with a partner or thank Elio for his courage, deciding it's time to take her own steps to break free from unhealthy dynamics.

Elio's decision to confide in Y/n shows readers how important it is to speak up, even when it feels difficult. His innocence makes his observations more poignant, emphasizing the need for dialogue about difficult topics like sexual abuse or emotional repression.

Y/n's response to Elio's story shows how those who are repressed or hurt can find strength in the support of loved ones and how subtle conversations can spark healing and change.

 The alien cultures and dynamics in the Communiverse allow the story to address these heavy themes indirectly, using the sci-fi setting as a way to make complex emotional and relational issues easier to digest.

Elio's adventure in the Communiverse becomes more than just a space exploration—it becomes a mirror for real-life issues that many people face but are afraid to speak about. His connection with Y/n creates a pathway for both of them to confront these difficult topics, and through this metaphorical storytelling, the message about the importance of reporting abuse and seeking help is subtly but powerfully conveyed.

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora