Surprised || Moana [Moana 2]

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The sound of crashing waves grew distant as Moana's canoe cut through the water, nearing the shore of her island home

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The sound of crashing waves grew distant as Moana's canoe cut through the water, nearing the shore of her island home. After months of sailing across the ocean, exploring new islands, and forging connections with other seafaring tribes, Moana was finally back. Her heart raced with anticipation, eager to see her girlfriend, Y/n, and to feel the warm, familiar sands of Motunui beneath her feet.

As the canoe slid into the shallows, Moana hopped off, dragging it onto the beach. She wiped the sweat from her brow, muscles aching from the journey, but the excitement bubbling up inside her made all the fatigue disappear. Her eyes scanned the coastline, half-expecting to see Y/n waiting for her. But the shore was empty.

"That's strange," Moana muttered to herself, a small frown crossing her face. Usually, Y/n was the first to greet her after a long voyage, running down the beach with that bright, mischievous smile that Moana loved so much. But this time, nothing.

Shrugging, she grabbed her gear and slung it over her shoulder, heading towards their shared home. As she approached the familiar path, Moana's heart began to pound harder. Something felt... off. The air was thick with anticipation, like a surprise waiting to jump out at her.

As she reached the door of their home, Moana had barely set her things down when two hands came out of nowhere, covering her eyes.

"Guess who!" Y/n's playful voice sang out from behind her.

Moana immediately grinned, relaxing at the sound of her girlfriend's voice. "Y/n, if you think you can hide from me after all this time, you're wrong," she teased.

Y/n chuckled and kept her hands firmly in place. "No peeking. I've got a surprise for you."

"A surprise, huh?" Moana raised an eyebrow, though she couldn't help the smile spreading across her face. "You didn't need to go to all that trouble. I'm just happy to see you."

"Yeah, yeah," Y/n replied, sounding a bit giddy now. "You'll change your mind once you see this."

Moana felt Y/n guiding her forward, carefully leading her into the house. The smell of fresh wood and flowers filled the air, and Moana's curiosity deepened.

"Okay, okay," Moana said, her excitement matching Y/n's. "What's going on? What did you do?"

"Shh! We're almost there," Y/n whispered, clearly enjoying dragging this out. "Alright, now... ready?"

Moana's heart raced as Y/n's hands slowly lifted from her eyes. Blinking a few times to adjust to the light, Moana's mouth dropped open when she saw what lay before her.

Their home had been completely transformed.

The once simple and cozy space had been redecorated into something vibrant and alive. The walls were adorned with colorful patterns, seashells, and carvings from their adventures. The floor was lined with soft woven rugs that Moana recognized from one of the islands they had visited together, and the windows were draped with new, airy curtains that let the island breeze flow in. The room had been filled with fresh flowers, bright and fragrant, giving the entire place a sense of renewal.

"Holy shit, Y/n," Moana breathed, turning to her girlfriend with wide eyes. "This... this is incredible."

Y/n grinned, biting her lip. "You like it? I figured after all the time you spent sailing, coming back to the same old place would be boring as hell. So, I wanted to make it feel like... us. You know?"

Moana looked around in awe, her heart swelling with love for the woman standing beside her. "It's perfect. I mean, seriously, I don't know what to say." She turned and pulled Y/n into a tight hug, burying her face in her girlfriend's neck. "You didn't have to do all this."

Y/n laughed, wrapping her arms around Moana and holding her close. "I wanted to. You've been out there for months, doing what you do best. The least I could do was make sure you come home to something that feels special."

Moana pulled back slightly, looking into Y/n's eyes. "It's more than special. It's amazing. I swear, you always know exactly how to make everything better."

Y/n smirked, nudging her playfully. "Well, I do try. But hey, don't get all sappy on me now. You haven't seen the best part."

"There's more?" Moana's eyebrows shot up in disbelief.

Y/n grabbed her hand and led her to the back of the house, where a new outdoor area had been added. The space was designed with a large wooden deck that overlooked the ocean, complete with a hammock and a small fire pit surrounded by chairs. It was cozy, intimate, and screamed relaxation.

"Holy shit," Moana said again, laughing at how surreal it all felt. "You really outdid yourself."

Y/n leaned against the railing, watching the waves crash against the shore in the distance. "I thought maybe we could spend more time here, just the two of us, without having to run off on some big adventure all the time. A place to... breathe, you know?"

Moana's heart felt full to the brim. She stepped forward and pulled Y/n into another hug, this one slower, more tender. "You're incredible, you know that?"

Y/n grinned into her shoulder. "Yeah, well, don't get used to it. This was a lot of work."

Moana chuckled, brushing a kiss against Y/n's forehead. "Trust me, I won't forget this. Thank you."

They stood together for a long moment, wrapped in each other's warmth, the sound of the ocean and the breeze filling the air. It was the kind of peace Moana had always dreamed of—being home, with the person she loved most, and feeling like the world was exactly where it was supposed to be.

As they pulled apart, Y/n gave her a teasing smile. "Now, come on, let's get you out of those sailing clothes and into something a little more comfortable. And then we can break in this new deck with some drinks and stargazing."

Moana grinned back, already feeling the weight of the world lift off her shoulders. "Sounds perfect."

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora