Stronger together || Pomni [The amazing digital circus]

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In the twisted and unpredictable world of the Digital Circus, it was difficult to trust anyone

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In the twisted and unpredictable world of the Digital Circus, it was difficult to trust anyone. Every day felt like a new test of endurance, and the strange, often dangerous games orchestrated by Caine, the ringmaster, kept the inhabitants on edge. For Pomni, it was all too much. Since her sudden arrival in this bizarre place, she'd kept her distance from the others, unwilling to let herself get too comfortable. Her distrust ran deep, rooted in the fear that anyone could be playing along with Caine's manipulations.

Y/n, however, was different from the others—cheerful and warm despite the madness around them. From the moment Pomni arrived, Y/n had tried to reach out, eager to make a connection. She'd approach Pomni with smiles and conversation, always trying to include her in whatever makeshift activities the group had pieced together to pass the time.

But Pomni wasn't ready for any of it.

The first time Y/n had tried to introduce herself, Pomni had brushed her off with a curt nod and hurried away. And every attempt after that was met with the same cold response. Pomni wasn't unfriendly out of spite; she just couldn't trust anyone. Especially not someone who seemed so untouched by the circus's cruelty.

One day, after another one of Caine's torturous "adventures," where they had barely escaped a collapsing maze, Y/n found Pomni sitting alone in the farthest corner of the digital carnival grounds. Her arms were crossed tightly over her chest, and her eyes darted nervously around, watching for any sign of danger. She looked exhausted, her body tense with the weight of constant fear.

Y/n approached quietly, her smile a little softer this time, understanding that Pomni needed space but hoping once more to break through the walls she had built around herself.

"Hey," Y/n said gently, sitting down a few feet away from her. "You okay?"

Pomni didn't look at her. "I'm fine."

Y/n nodded, not pushing further. "That last maze was rough. Caine really doesn't know when to stop, does he?"

Pomni sighed, her jaw clenched. "Caine is a liar. All he does is promise safety, but he doesn't care if we get hurt in his stupid games. He's probably laughing right now."

Y/n looked down at her hands, her cheerful demeanor faltering for a moment. "Yeah... I know it's hard to trust him. But that's why we have to stick together, right? At least we can try to look out for each other."

Pomni's eyes flickered over to Y/n, her face unreadable. "I don't need anyone looking out for me."

The bitterness in Pomni's voice stung, but Y/n didn't back down. She could see that Pomni wasn't trying to be cruel—she was just scared, like they all were. "I get it. I really do. You don't know who to trust in this place. But you don't have to go through it alone."

Pomni finally turned to look at Y/n, her expression softening just a little. "Why are you so friendly? How can you act like everything's fine when it's clearly not?"

Y/n shrugged, her smile small but genuine. "I'm not saying everything is fine. This place sucks, honestly. But what other choice do we have? If I stop trying to connect with people, I'll go crazy. I don't want to lose myself to this circus."

Pomni's gaze lingered on Y/n, something unreadable in her eyes. She opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Caine. He floated in, his ever-present grin plastered across his face, as if the chaos and suffering he caused were the most delightful thing in the world.

"Ladies, ladies!" Caine exclaimed, his voice dripping with exaggerated cheer. "What are you doing hiding away over here? I've got the next big adventure all ready for you! It's going to be a blast!"

Pomni tensed immediately, her distrust of him clear in the way her whole body stiffened. "I'm not doing another one of your 'adventures,'" she snapped. "Not today."

Caine chuckled, completely unfazed by her defiance. "Oh, Pomni, you say that every time, but you always join in the fun! You don't want to miss out, do you?"

Y/n stood up, stepping between Caine and Pomni, her expression firm. "Leave her alone, Caine. She's had enough."

Caine's grin faltered for a split second, but he quickly recovered, floating closer to Y/n. "Now, now, no need for hostility! I'm just trying to keep things interesting around here. Wouldn't want anyone getting bored!"

"Bored?" Pomni scoffed, her anger rising. "You think we're here for your amusement? We're trapped! You keep us chained to this place, with no way out!"

Caine's eyes sparkled mischievously, ignoring her accusation. "You're not *chained*, Pomni! You're free to enjoy all the wonders of the Digital Circus! Why focus on the negatives?"

Y/n glanced back at Pomni, seeing the anger and frustration boiling beneath her cool exterior. She knew that if they let Caine continue his games unchecked, Pomni would only retreat further into herself, becoming even more isolated.

"Enough, Caine," Y/n said firmly. "We're not doing this today."

For a moment, Caine's grin seemed to waver, as if he was calculating his next move. But then he floated back with a playful laugh. "Fine, fine! Have it your way today. But don't think you can avoid the next one!" With a final flourish, he disappeared into thin air, leaving the two women alone again.

Pomni let out a long breath, her shoulders sagging with the weight of everything she had been holding in. Y/n watched her, not speaking for a moment, giving her the space to process.

"I hate him," Pomni muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I know," Y/n said quietly. "We all do."

There was a long silence between them, and for a moment, Y/n thought Pomni might get up and leave, retreating to her lonely corner of the circus once more. But instead, Pomni stayed, her eyes focused on the ground, lost in thought.

After what felt like an eternity, Pomni spoke again, her voice softer this time. "You really believe we can survive this... together?"

Y/n smiled gently. "Yeah, I do. It's not going to be easy, and Caine is going to keep throwing crap our way. But we're stronger if we stick together. I've got your back, Pomni. If you'll let me."

Pomni looked at her for a long moment, the walls she had built around herself starting to crack. She wasn't ready to fully trust Y/n yet, but something in Y/n's sincerity made her want to try.

"Alright," Pomni finally said, her voice barely audible. "I'll try."

It wasn't much, but it was a start. And in the Digital Circus, where trust was scarce and hope even scarcer, it was more than Y/n had expected. Together, they might just find a way to survive.

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora