Grief || Chloe [Descendants: The Rise of Red]

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Chloe sat on the stone steps of Auradon's courtyard, her face streaked with tears, trembling from the weight of the grief she couldn't shake

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Chloe sat on the stone steps of Auradon's courtyard, her face streaked with tears, trembling from the weight of the grief she couldn't shake. Her heart pounded with a mix of sadness and anger, the memory of her mother, Cinderella, forever etched into her mind after the Queen of Hearts had her executed.

Y/n approached cautiously, her steps soft, eyes filled with sympathy. "Chloe... I just wanted to check on you. I know you're going through—"

Chloe's head snapped up, her eyes blazing. "You don't know, Y/n!" Her voice cracked as she stood, facing her. "You have no idea how bad it feels. My mom... she's gone!" Chloe's voice wavered, but her anger surged. "And now your sister, Mal, is Queen of Auradon, and you're always by her side, living this perfect, fucking life! What do you know about pain?"

Y/n's expression darkened, her jaw clenched. She paused, taking a breath before speaking with quiet intensity. "You think my life's perfect?" she asked, her voice steady, but a flicker of emotion visible beneath the surface. "My mother was brought back to life, only to be exiled to the Isle of the Lost, trapped there to suffer with the villains who are still too powerful to escape."

Chloe's eyes widened, the anger beginning to drain from her face.

"You think it's easy?" Y/n continued. "Magic was banned, the people on that island? They survive on nothing but Auradon's scraps. Rotten food. No hope. My mother's there, every day, suffering... So, yeah, Chloe, I *do* know what pain feels like."

A heavy silence hung between them. Chloe's hands dropped to her sides, her eyes cast downward in shame. "I... I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice cracking. "I didn't know... I was just so angry. I didn't mean to take it out on you."

Y/n softened, stepping closer. "It's okay to be angry, Chloe. You're hurting. But I'm here if you need me." She offered a small, understanding smile.

Chloe nodded slowly, tears streaming down her cheeks again. "Thank you... and I'm really sorry."

They stood there for a moment, grief and guilt hanging between them, but understanding slowly beginning to bridge the gap.

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