Unexpected company || Tony [Fast & furious: Spy racers]

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Tony Toretto had always enjoyed a bit of solitude

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Tony Toretto had always enjoyed a bit of solitude. As much as he loved the thrill of racing and the camaraderie of his team, there was something incredibly liberating about being home alone. With the team out on missions or visiting family, Tony had the rare luxury of the house all to himself.

And with that solitude came his guilty pleasure: walking around the house naked. It wasn't something he'd ever admit to his crew, of course. But there was a certain freedom in it—no tight clothes, no need to worry about appearances. Just Tony, the fresh air, and the feeling of total relaxation.

He'd just gotten out of the shower and decided to enjoy the moment. The living room windows were open, letting in a cool breeze, and Tony felt completely at peace as he wandered around the house, carefree and unclothed.

But peace, as Tony was about to learn, is often short-lived.

Y/n, a close friend and fellow racer, had texted earlier in the day saying she was tied up and wouldn't be able to stop by until much later. Tony had taken this as a green light for his little escapade, assuming he had hours before anyone would show up.

However, Y/n had managed to wrap things up earlier than expected. She thought she'd surprise Tony with a visit, bringing over some food and a new car part she knew he'd been eyeing. As she approached the house, she noticed the front door was slightly ajar.

"Tony?" Y/n called out as she stepped inside, not suspecting anything out of the ordinary.

The moment Tony heard her voice, his heart nearly stopped. He was in the kitchen, completely naked, with absolutely no clothes in sight.

"Crap," he muttered to himself, his mind racing. He quickly ducked behind the kitchen counter, hoping she hadn't seen anything yet.

"Tony?" Y/n called out again, her footsteps echoing as she moved further into the house. "You here?"

Tony frantically scanned the room for something—anything—he could use to cover himself. His clothes were in the bedroom, a good sprint away, and there was no way he could make it without being spotted. He grabbed a kitchen towel, but it was far too small to do any good. 

He knew he had only seconds before Y/n would enter the kitchen. Thinking quickly, he wrapped the towel around his waist and peeked around the corner, trying to gauge her position.

"Hey, Y/n! I'm here," Tony called out, attempting to sound casual, though his voice cracked slightly. He needed to stall her, just for a few more moments. "Uh, I'll be right with you! Just... just finishing up something."

Y/n, now suspicious, paused in the hallway. "Finishing up what? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, totally fine!" Tony replied, inching towards the hallway that led to his bedroom. He could hear her footsteps getting closer, and panic set in. He was out of time.

Just as Y/n rounded the corner, Tony made a break for it, bolting towards his room as fast as he could. He barely managed to keep the towel around his waist as he sprinted down the hallway.

"Tony, what the—" Y/n started, catching a glimpse of him. She couldn't help but burst out laughing. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing!" Tony called over his shoulder as he dove into his bedroom and slammed the door shut. He leaned against it, heart pounding, trying to catch his breath.

Y/n, still laughing, walked over to the closed door. "You know, you could've just told me you were in the middle of something. I would've waited."

Tony could hear the amusement in her voice and felt his face flush with embarrassment. "Yeah, well... surprise visits aren't really my thing," he muttered.

"Noted," Y/n replied, still chuckling. "I'll give you a heads-up next time. Now, get dressed, and maybe we can pretend this never happened?"

Tony sighed in relief, thankful that Y/n was taking it in stride. "Deal," he said. After a few moments, he managed to get dressed and stepped out of his room, trying to act as if nothing unusual had happened.

Y/n was waiting in the living room, a smirk still on her face. "You know, Tony, there are better ways to relax when you're alone."

"Yeah, yeah," Tony replied, rolling his eyes. "Let's just... never speak of this again, okay?"

Y/n grinned. "Your secret's safe with me."

As they settled in to catch up and work on Tony's car, he couldn't help but shake his head. Note to self, Tony thought. Next time, make sure the door's locked.

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora