The fishhook and the iron cross || Maui [Moana 2]

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Maui, demigod of the wind and sea, finds himself in a world far removed from the lush, sunlit islands of the Pacific

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Maui, demigod of the wind and sea, finds himself in a world far removed from the lush, sunlit islands of the Pacific. Transported through time and space by a mysterious force, he lands in the heart of Nazi Germany, in the midst of World War II. Stripped of his magical fishhook and powers, Maui is captured and forced to work in a munitions factory under the oppressive rule of Adolf Hitler.

The factory is a cold, industrial nightmare—rows upon rows of machinery grinding endlessly, spewing smoke and fire. The workers, all stripped of hope, toil under the watchful eyes of armed guards, their faces gaunt and lifeless. Maui, though physically strong, is no exception. His muscular frame strains under the relentless labor, but it's the psychological toll that weighs on him most.

Maui's girlfriend, Y/n, a young woman from the same tropical world, has also been trapped in this dystopian nightmare. Unlike Maui, she isn't blessed with supernatural strength, yet she endures the same punishing conditions. Every day, they perform the absurd rituals demanded by the regime—standing in line to salute Hitler's portrait, enduring endless propaganda, and receiving meager rations barely enough to survive.

Their only solace is each other. In the brief moments they can steal away from the factory, they find refuge in their shared memories of the islands—the sound of the waves, the warmth of the sun, the freedom they once had. But even these memories begin to fade under the crushing weight of their new reality.

One day, a particularly grueling shift leaves Maui on the brink of collapse. As he struggles to keep up with the factory's relentless pace, he catches the eye of a Nazi officer, a man with a cruel smile and a love for power. The officer senses Maui's inner strength and decides to test it, subjecting him to humiliating tasks designed to break his spirit. Maui is forced to salute Hitler's portrait until his arm aches, to march in endless circles, and to endure the jeers of the other workers who have long since lost their will to resist.

Y/n, though exhausted and fearful, never leaves his side. She sneaks extra rations for him, risking punishment to keep him fed. She whispers words of encouragement in his ear, reminding him of who he truly is—a demigod, a hero. But even Y/n can't shield Maui from the crushing reality of their situation.

The factory's demands grow more absurd by the day. Maui is ordered to assemble munitions with his bare hands, his fingers raw and bleeding. He's forced to listen to endless hours of Hitler's speeches, his mind numb from the propaganda. The work is soul-crushing, the conditions unbearable, but Maui endures, fueled by his love for Y/n and the hope that one day they might escape.

The breaking point comes when Y/n falls ill. The factory's harsh conditions and lack of proper nutrition take their toll on her, and she's bedridden with a fever. Maui, desperate to save her, attempts to steal extra medicine, but he's caught by the Nazi officer. As punishment, Maui is dragged before the entire factory, forced to confess his 'crimes' while the officer revels in his power.

But something within Maui snaps. The demigod, once proud and strong, now weakened and desperate, finds a flicker of his old strength. He refuses to bow to the officer, refuses to salute Hitler's portrait one more time. In a moment of defiance, Maui stands tall, his voice booming through the factory as he declares, "I am Maui, demigod of the wind and sea! You will not break me!"

The factory workers, long subdued, feel a stir of hope at Maui's words. Y/n, though weak, manages a smile, her eyes shining with pride. But the Nazi officer is not impressed. He orders Maui to be taken away, to be 're-educated'—a euphemism for torture and possible death.

As Maui is dragged from the factory, he locks eyes with Y/n, silently promising to return. The days that follow are a blur of pain and defiance. Maui is subjected to the worst the regime has to offer, but he never breaks. He clings to his love for Y/n and the memory of their home, drawing strength from within.

Finally, in a twist of fate, the Allies advance into Germany, and the factory is liberated. The Nazi officers flee, leaving the workers to fend for themselves. Maui, battered but unbroken, is reunited with Y/n. They embrace, knowing they've survived the worst together.

The story ends with Maui and Y/n standing at the gates of the factory, the sun setting on the horizon. The war is not yet over, but they are free. Together, they walk away from the horrors of the past, towards an uncertain future—but one they will face together.

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