Stupid sex || Angel Dust • Husk [Hazbin hotel]

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Angel Dust rolled over in bed, the remnants of a bizarre and vivid dream still clinging to his thoughts

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Angel Dust rolled over in bed, the remnants of a bizarre and vivid dream still clinging to his thoughts. In the dream, he found himself standing in a shadowy alley, the dim light casting eerie shapes around him. And there, standing opposite him, was Y/n. Her eyes seemed to glow, pulling him in with a magnetic force he couldn't resist. Without warning, they leaned in, and their lips met in a kiss that felt so real, so electrifying, and then they both took off their clothes and had sex that it sent shivers down Angel's spine.

He jolted awake, heart racing, confused and slightly embarrassed. "What the hell was that about?" he muttered, running a hand through his wild pink hair. It wasn't like him to dream about fucking someone—especially someone like Y/n. Sure, he liked to flirt, but this felt different. The dream lingered in his mind, refusing to let go.

The next morning, Angel Dust found himself at the bar, nursing a drink far earlier than usual. Husk, ever the grumpy bartender, noticed Angel's unusual quietness. "What's eatin' ya, feathers?" Husk grumbled, sliding a whiskey glass across the counter.

Angel sighed dramatically, playing with the rim of his glass. "Had the weirdest dream last night, Husk."

"You're always weird. What else is new?" Husk replied, uninterested.

"I dreamed topping Y/n," Angel blurted out, not looking at Husk. The room seemed to get a little quieter as the words hung in the air.

Husk froze for a moment before his eyes narrowed dangerously. "You what?"

"It was just a dream!" Angel quickly defended, waving his hands in a frantic attempt to dismiss the situation. "Doesn't mean anything, ya know? Just some crazy, stupid thing my head cooked up while I was sleepin'. I mean, I don't even—"

Husk cut him off with a low growl, his grip tightening around the glass he was holding. "If it doesn't mean anything, then why the hell are you tellin' me about it?"

Angel blinked, taken aback by Husk's sudden anger. "Because... I dunno! It freaked me out, okay? I don't usually dream about stuff like that."

Husk slammed his glass down on the bar, making Angel flinch. "You don't get it, do you?" Husk's voice was a harsh whisper now. "If you're so sure it doesn't mean anything, then why don't you go and oral and anal sex with her for real? See how 'stupid' it is then."

Angel stared at Husk, the challenge lingering in the air. He could see the mix of emotions in Husk's eyes—anger, jealousy, and something deeper that he couldn't quite place. The idea was absurd, and yet, part of him was curious. Would it really be just a "stupid sex"?

After an awkward silence, Angel sighed and stood up, tossing a few bills onto the bar. "Fine. I'll do it. But don't say I didn't warn ya when this turns out to be the dumbest idea ever."

Husk watched as Angel walked away, his expression unreadable. He wasn't sure what he wanted to happen, but he knew one thing—he hated the idea of that dream lingering in Angel's mind.

Angel found Y/n in the hotel's lounge, flipping through a magazine. She looked up when he approached, raising an eyebrow at his unusually serious expression. "What's up, Angel?"

Angel hesitated, suddenly feeling ridiculous about the whole thing. But he couldn't back down now—not after Husk's reaction. "So, uh... I had this dream," he began awkwardly, "and... it kinda freaked me out."

Y/n tilted her head, curious. "What kind of dream?"

Angel took a deep breath. "The kind where I I entered your pussy, ass, mouth and all your orifices."

Y/n blinked, clearly taken aback. "Oh. Uh, okay. And...?"

"And," Angel continued, trying to keep his cool, "I told Husk about it, and he got all pissed and told me to have sex you for real. To, ya know, see if it means anything."

Y/n stared at him for a long moment before bursting into laughter. "Wait, seriously? Husk told you to having our members sucked by each other?"

Angel nodded, feeling a bit sheepish. "Yeah, crazy, right?"

Still chuckling, Y/n stood up and shrugged. "Well, if it'll help you figure things out, why not? A top and bottom is just a top and bottom, right?"

Angel blinked, not expecting such a nonchalant response. "Uh, yeah, I guess."

Before he could think too much about it, Y/n leaned in and kissed him and then they made love. It was a simple, quick with pleasure—nothing like the dream. When they pulled away, Angel was surprised to find that his heart wasn't racing, his mind wasn't spinning. It was... just sex. Nothing more, nothing less.

He stepped back, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Yeah, see? Just a stupid anal sex that doesn't mean nothin'."

Y/n crossed her arms, smirking slightly. "So, what was all the fuss about, then?"

Angel shrugged, feeling a bit foolish now. "I dunno. Guess I just needed to see for myself."

"Well, mystery solved," Y/n said, still amused. "Anything else you wanna figure out while we're at it?"

Angel shook his head, laughing. "Nah, I think I'm good. Thanks, doll."

As he turned to leave, Y/n called after him. "Wait, what the fuck just happened?"

Angel paused at the doorway, grinning back at her. "Just another day in Hell, sweetheart."

With that, he sauntered off, feeling oddly lighter. Husk was right—it was just a stupid sex, and it didn't mean anything. But as he headed back to the bar, he couldn't help but wonder why Husk had reacted the way he did. Maybe there was more to this than just a dream after all. But for now, he'd let it slide. He had more important things to worry about—like getting Husk to lighten up.

The chapter ended with Y/n still standing in the lounge, shaking her head in confusion. "Seriously, what the fuck just happened?" she muttered to herself before going back to her magazine, trying to make sense of the bizarre encounter.

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