Over you || Joy [Inside out 2]

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In the vibrant and complex world of Riley's mind, the control center was usually a hub of activity, buzzing with the emotions that guided her through her day

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In the vibrant and complex world of Riley's mind, the control center was usually a hub of activity, buzzing with the emotions that guided her through her day. But today, there was a noticeable shift in the atmosphere—a quietness that hung in the air like a thick fog. At the center of it all was Joy, who sat at the console with a thoughtful expression, her usual sparkle dimmed.

Next to her, Y/n—an emotion representing Love and deep affection—was pacing back and forth, her steps echoing the uncertainty that gripped her heart. Y/n had always been the most sensitive of Riley's emotions, nurturing the bonds with friends, family, and the one person who had once meant everything to Riley.

"Joy," Y/n finally spoke, her voice tinged with both longing and resignation, "do you think we did the right thing? Letting go, I mean."

Joy looked up, her bright blue eyes reflecting the inner conflict. "It was what Riley needed," she replied gently. "It's not easy, but sometimes, holding on hurts more than letting go."

Y/n nodded, though the sadness lingered in her gaze. "I know. It's just... ever since *they* went away, I've been haunted. Haunted by the memories, by the what-ifs, by the way it all ended." She sighed, her shoulders slumping as she leaned against the console. "I always thought Riley could get whatever she wanted, and she wanted *them* so badly."

Joy frowned, remembering the whirlwind of emotions that had accompanied that relationship. The highs, the lows, the intense connection Riley had felt—it had been overwhelming, even for Joy, who was used to navigating the complexities of Riley's feelings.

"But Riley's stronger than she realizes," Joy said, placing a comforting hand on Y/n's shoulder. "She's learning to live without *them*, to find happiness in other places. It's okay to still feel something, even if it's just a memory now."

Y/n smiled faintly, though her eyes were distant, as if she were replaying scenes from the past. "I'm drawing circles in the sand, trying to understand how it all happened. How *they* could leave such a big mark and then just... disappear."

Joy nodded in understanding. "The thing is, Y/n, it's not about erasing those memories. It's about accepting them as part of Riley's journey. The love Riley felt was real, but it doesn't have to define her future. She's growing, and so are we."

Y/n's expression softened, but there was still a hint of sorrow in her voice. "But sometimes, Joy, it still hurts. And sometimes... I feel like I'm full of it—telling Riley that she's fine when I know she's not. But we have to keep going, right? Even if it feels like I'm not over it, I know Riley is getting over *them*."

Joy squeezed her shoulder. "It's okay to take time to heal. Love is complicated, and so is letting go. But look at how far Riley has come. She's starting to see that life moves on, and so must we."

Y/n sighed deeply, her eyes closing as she tried to let go of the last remnants of the past. "I thought I could just stomp out those feelings like a fire, but now I'm covered in ashes, and I still feel the same."

"But you're not alone in this," Joy reminded her softly. "We're all here for Riley, and for each other. And maybe... maybe it's okay to carry a little of that love with us, even if it's changed. It's part of what makes Riley who she is."

Y/n opened her eyes, a spark of understanding finally settling within her. "Yeah... you're right. It's not about forgetting—it's about moving forward. Maybe I'm not completely over it, but I'm definitely over them. And that's a start."

Joy smiled brightly, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "Exactly. We're helping Riley rebuild, one step at a time. And together, we'll guide her toward the happiness she deserves."

The two emotions sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the weight of the past lifting ever so slightly from their shoulders. The control center began to hum with activity again, as the other emotions returned to their stations, ready to continue steering Riley through her day.

As Y/n took her place at the console, she glanced at Joy with a newfound determination. "Let's keep moving forward, Joy. For Riley. For us."

Joy grinned, her spark returning full force. "For Riley."

And with that, they both focused on the present, ready to guide Riley through whatever life had in store, knowing that together, they could face anything—even the echoes of a love that once was, and the brighter future that lay ahead.

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