The rise of Y/n || Moana [Moana 2] • part 6

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The aftermath of Y/n's heroics becomes a nightmare she never anticipated

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The aftermath of Y/n's heroics becomes a nightmare she never anticipated. What began as admiration for her achievements as a navigator, and the fact that she was mentored by Moana, quickly spirals into an unhealthy obsession from the public. Every aspect of Y/n's life is scrutinized—her every move analyzed, her past mistakes dragged into the spotlight, and her relationships tested under the weight of relentless attention.

The media hounds her, painting her as either a prodigy or a pariah, depending on the day. People she once considered friends begin to distance themselves, unable to handle the constant barrage of questions and attention that comes with being associated with Y/n. Even her loved ones aren't spared; the strain on her family grows as they are dragged into the public eye, their privacy shattered.

Legal troubles soon follow, as opportunistic figures seize the chance to capitalize on her fame. Baseless lawsuits are filed against her, claiming damages for events during her battles as a navigator. The pressure mounts, and Y/n starts to feel like she's losing control of her life. The world she once knew is crumbling around her, and the person she's become is unrecognizable even to herself.

Desperate for a way out, Y/n turns to Maui, the one person she believes can help her erase the world's memory of everything she did to save it. The thought of giving up her legacy and all that she fought for seems like the only way to regain some sense of normalcy. Her plea to Maui is filled with raw emotion, a mixture of desperation and exhaustion, as she confesses how suffocating her life has become.

"Please, Maui," she begs, her voice trembling. "I don't want to be this person anymore. I don't want to be remembered for what I did—I just want my life back. I just want to be normal."

Maui listens, his usual bravado tempered by the gravity of Y/n's request. He understands the weight of being a hero, the toll it takes on one's soul, and he can see the cracks forming in Y/n's resolve. But the decision is not an easy one. Erasing the world's memory would mean erasing the good she's done, the lives she's saved, and the lessons learned. It's a choice that would strip away everything she's fought to protect.

Y/n's desperation is palpable, a stark contrast to the confident navigator she once aspired to be. The burden of her fame and the expectations that came with Moana's mentorship have crushed her spirit, leaving her a shadow of her former self. And now, standing before Maui, she's willing to give it all up just to feel like herself again.

The moment is heavy with uncertainty. Will Maui grant Y/n's request and erase the world's memory of her deeds, allowing her to fade into obscurity? Or will he help her find another way to cope with the crushing weight of her fame, guiding her back to the path she once walked with pride?

The choice looms large, and whatever the outcome, Y/n knows her life will never be the same again.

When Maui agrees to help Y/n with the spell, they both hope it will finally bring her the peace and normalcy she craves. However, things quickly take a turn for the worse. The spell goes awry, unleashing not only the erasure of memories but also resurrecting old enemies like Tamatoa and the Kakamora. These villains, once vanquished, are now back with a vengeance, eager to wreak havoc on the world and exact revenge on those who defeated them.

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