Divorce || Pomni [The amazing digital circus]

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Pomni never thought she'd find herself in such a bizarre situation

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Pomni never thought she'd find herself in such a bizarre situation. Accidentally marrying a prostitute wasn't something she ever imagined happening, and now she was facing the daunting reality of having to get out of it. Sitting on the edge of her bed in her room at the Amazing Digital Circus, her thoughts swirled as she replayed the conversation she'd had earlier with the man. He had bluntly asked her if she was a lesbian, his voice heavy with disbelief and frustration. Her heart had raced as she fumbled for an answer, the words tumbling out before she had a chance to think.

"If you were a lesbian, this would all be over," he had said. And in a desperate attempt to escape, Pomni had blurted out, "I am."

The relief that had followed was short-lived. Catching her watching straight pornography had raised the man's suspicions. And now, she was caught in a web of her own lies, a web that had become increasingly tangled when he delivered his latest ultimatum: *prove* she was a lesbian by having sex with a woman. If she could do that, then, and only then, would he grant her a divorce.

Pomni was beside herself with dread. How could she possibly get herself out of this? And that was when Y/n came to mind. Maybe Y/n could help. After all, they were friends, and Pomni knew she could trust her.

Pomni had approached Y/n awkwardly, her heart pounding in her chest as she explained the situation. Y/n listened, her eyes wide, but there was a kindness in her voice when she agreed to help. "But," Y/n added with a wry smile, "we should at least go on a date first. I mean, we've gotta make this believable, right?"

Pomni felt her stomach drop. A *date*? It hadn't occurred to her that pretending to be a lesbian might mean she'd have to go through the motions of romance. The thought made her palms sweat, but she had no other choice. If she wanted out of this sham of a marriage, she had to follow through.

Their "date" was a disaster. They sat across from each other at a small table in the circus cafeteria, the flickering neon lights casting strange shadows over their faces. Pomni fidgeted nervously, glancing around the room as if someone might be watching. Y/n tried to keep the conversation light, but every word that came out of Pomni's mouth felt forced, unnatural. She couldn't relax, couldn't stop thinking about the looming demand hanging over her head. The meal dragged on, each minute feeling like an eternity, and by the end of it, Pomni was a bundle of nerves.

When they finally returned to Pomni's room, her hands were shaking. The prostitute was waiting for them, leaning casually against the wall, a smirk playing on his lips. "Alright," he said, folding his arms. "Let's see how this goes."

Pomni exchanged a terrified glance with Y/n, who, to her credit, gave a small, reassuring nod. Together, they awkwardly began to undress, their movements hesitant and uncoordinated. The atmosphere was thick with discomfort, both women clearly out of their element. Pomni's heart pounded in her ears as she tried to force herself to go through with it, but every fiber of her being screamed that this was wrong.

Just as they were about to lie down on the bed, the prostitute let out a heavy sigh. "Alright, stop," he said, his voice filled with exasperation. "This is ridiculous. You're both clearly heterosexual. I don't know why you're going through with this charade." 

Pomni froze, her body tensing with relief and confusion. He shook his head and looked at her, his expression softer than before. "If you want a divorce that badly, Pomni, I'll give it to you. I don't want to force you into something you don't want."

Pomni blinked, processing his words. "You mean... it's over?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I can tell you're not happy. But I'll say this—you've treated me better than any other woman I've ever met. I don't want to feel like I'm a burden to you. I'll let you go."

With that, he turned and left the room, leaving Pomni and Y/n standing there, half-dressed and overwhelmed with relief. Pomni let out a shaky laugh, sinking to the floor as she covered her face with her hands. Y/n sat beside her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. 

"I can't believe that actually happened," Pomni murmured, her voice still trembling.

Y/n chuckled softly. "At least it's over now."

They sat in silence for a moment, savoring the fact that the ordeal was finally behind them. But just as Pomni was about to relax, Y/n's eyes widened in alarm. 

"Uh... Pomni?" she said, her voice tight with panic. "Is your laptop camera... on?"

Pomni's head snapped up, and she followed Y/n's gaze to her laptop on the desk. Sure enough, the small green light next to the camera was blinking. Her stomach dropped as the realization hit her.

The scene then cut to the rest of the Amazing Digital Circus gang, huddled together around a screen in horror, watching the whole thing unfold in real-time. Jax was slack-jawed, Ragatha had her hands over her mouth, and Zooble was squirming uncomfortably in their seat.

"What the hell are we watching?" Kinger asked, his voice strained.

"Is this... is this some kind of private show?" Ragatha whispered, her face bright red with embarrassment.

Just then, Caine strolled into the room, completely oblivious to what was going on. "Hey! What's everyone watching?" he asked, his cheerful voice cutting through the awkward tension. He peered over their shoulders at the screen.

"Murder Drones?" he asked, his face lighting up. "I love that show!" 

The gang could only stare at the screen, horrified, as the last bit of footage played out.

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