Addams mansion || Wednesday [Wednesday]

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Y/n Addams had always been the quieter sibling, living in the shadow of her darker and more notorious sister, Wednesday, and her mischievous brother, Pugsley

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Y/n Addams had always been the quieter sibling, living in the shadow of her darker and more notorious sister, Wednesday, and her mischievous brother, Pugsley. While they embraced the family's affinity for all things grim and grotesque, Y/n found herself yearning for something different. Unlike her siblings, she wasn't obsessed with the macabre for its own sake—her obsession lay in alchemy and magic, specifically the idea of curing sickness. She had witnessed the strange ailments that plagued their cursed family for years, and it gnawed at her.

One stormy evening, as the lightning crackled across the sky and thunder shook the ancient walls of the Addams house, Y/n was drawn to a part of the mansion that had always been sealed off. It was hidden behind a dusty tapestry in the basement, which she'd stumbled upon while evading one of Pugsley's traps. The tapestry itself seemed to breathe as she approached it, and beneath it, she discovered a door—one that led to a secret room no one had mentioned before.

Her heart raced as she turned the old iron handle, the door creaking open with an eerie moan. The room was unlike any other part of the Addams mansion. Ancient symbols lined the walls, and in the center was a podium holding an ancient spellbook—bound in thick leather, its pages yellowed with age. Y/n's eyes widened as she stepped closer, drawn to the mysterious aura of the room. This was what she had been looking for: the key to her dream of curing sickness.

In her curiosity, she flipped through the pages until she found what she believed was a healing spell—an incantation that promised to banish illness from the body and restore life's balance. Excitement bubbled within her as she recited the ancient words aloud. The air around her grew thick, the temperature dropping suddenly as the spell wove itself into the fabric of the room.

But something went wrong.

As soon as Y/n finished the incantation, a deep rumble echoed from the depths of the house. The ground beneath her feet trembled, and from the corners of the room, shadows seemed to stretch and writhe unnaturally. Her stomach churned with a sense of dread as she realized the spell hadn't brought about the cure she sought—instead, something dark and sinister had been unleashed.

The shadows coalesced into a single form—a twisted figure with gaunt, hollow eyes and a crooked grin that stretched far beyond anything human. It stepped forward, its voice dripping with malice. "You've woken me, child, and now your nightmare begins."

Y/n's breath caught in her throat as the figure's presence filled the room with an oppressive energy. "I—I was trying to help," she stammered, stepping back. "I wanted to cure sickness."

The figure chuckled, a sound like bones cracking. "Curing sickness? Oh, how noble. But you've invoked something far worse than any illness. You've summoned *me*—and I am no cure."

The house groaned as if in agreement with the figure, and the shadows began to creep beyond the room, infecting the walls of the mansion. Wherever they touched, the house seemed to transform—paintings twisted into grotesque caricatures, furniture warped into monstrous shapes, and the once comforting gloom of the Addams home became something far more menacing.

Y/n bolted from the room, her heart pounding as she ran through the twisting corridors of the house. She had to find Wednesday and Pugsley, to warn them of the evil she had unleashed. But as she ran, she realized the house was changing around her—doors appeared where there had been none, hallways stretched into impossible lengths, and the familiar gothic charm of the mansion now felt like a living nightmare.

She burst into Wednesday's room, her voice trembling. "Wednesday, something's wrong! I found a spell, and—"

Wednesday looked up from her dissection table, unfazed as always, though a flicker of curiosity sparked in her dark eyes. "What did you do, Y/n?"

"I tried to cure sickness, but I... I summoned something evil. It's warping the house. I think it's spreading."

Wednesday raised an eyebrow and calmly placed her scalpel down. "You summoned a nightmare. Fascinating." She stood and glanced out the window, watching as the creeping shadows began to consume the lawn outside. "We'll need to stop it before it takes over the whole house."

Y/n's voice shook. "But how?"

Wednesday tilted her head, considering. "You brought this nightmare to life. That means you have power over it. We'll have to find a way to reverse the spell."

Just then, Pugsley barged into the room, out of breath, his face lit with both fear and excitement. "Guys, the house is alive! My traps are going wild!"

"Yes, Pugsley, we're aware," Wednesday said dryly. "We're handling it."

Together, the three siblings made their way back to the secret room, but the shadows now infested the mansion like a living organism. As they approached the door, the twisted figure appeared once more, blocking their path. It sneered at Y/n, its voice a cold whisper. "You cannot undo what's been done. This is your creation now."

But Y/n stood her ground, her fear slowly transforming into resolve. She had made a mistake, but she wasn't going to let this nightmare consume her family's home. She flipped through the spellbook again, her fingers trembling, until she found the reversal incantation. The words were complex, but she recited them, her voice growing stronger with each syllable.

As the spell took hold, the shadows recoiled, hissing and writhing in agony. The figure's twisted grin faltered as it began to dissolve, its body breaking apart like mist in the wind. "You think you've won?" it rasped. "This is only the beginning. Nightmares... never truly end."

With a final gasp, the figure vanished, and the house slowly began to return to its usual eerie state. The twisted furniture straightened, the grotesque paintings faded back to their morbid originals, and the dark energy lifted.

Y/n, breathing hard, looked to Wednesday and Pugsley. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen..."

Wednesday gave her a rare, approving nod. "You made a mistake, but you fixed it. That's more than most people can say."

Pugsley grinned, as though this was the most fun he'd had in weeks. "That was awesome. Can we do it again?"

Y/n smiled faintly, still shaken but relieved that the nightmare had been vanquished—for now. She couldn't shake the figure's final words, though. Nightmares never truly end.

And deep within the shadows of the Addams house, something lingered. Something waiting.

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