Save them || Doctor Strange [Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness]

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The Sanctum Sanctorum buzzed with energy as Doctor Strange stood before Y/n, his cloak billowing with power

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The Sanctum Sanctorum buzzed with energy as Doctor Strange stood before Y/n, his cloak billowing with power. The atmosphere between them crackled with tension, the weight of the multiverse hanging in the balance.

"Y/n, you don't understand the consequences of what you're trying to do," Strange's voice was calm but firm, his eyes narrowed. "If you tamper with these fates, the entire fabric of reality will unravel. We have no choice but to send them back."

Y/n stood their ground, fists clenched. "So you want me to just accept that they'll die? That I'll lose them? These aren't just villains to me, Strange. They're people. People who deserve a chance at redemption."

Strange raised an eyebrow. "You think you can save them? You can't even comprehend the ripple effects this could have. The multiverse is already fragile, and if we don't restore the timelines, you might lose more than just them. You'll lose everything."

Y/n's heart raced as the words cut deep. There was a flash of desperation in their eyes, and they stepped closer to Strange. "I won't let you take them. There has to be another way."

Strange sighed, his hands beginning to move in familiar patterns, the air around them shimmering with magic. "I wish it didn't have to come to this, Y/n. But if you won't step aside... I'll make you."

With a flick of his wrist, Strange summoned a portal, and suddenly, they were no longer in the Sanctum. The world warped around them as the Mirror Dimension unfolded—a realm where the laws of reality bent to Strange's will. Buildings twisted and folded like paper, streets spiraled into impossible angles. Everything was a reflection of the world they knew, but utterly malleable.

Y/n's eyes widened as they looked around, trying to make sense of the shifting environment. "What the fuck this?" they breathed.

"The Mirror Dimension," Strange said coolly. "A place where I control everything. You can't beat me here. Just surrender the artifact, and we can end this."

Y/n gritted their teeth, clutching the small device that held the key to the villains' futures—their only chance at rewriting their destinies. "I'm not giving up, Strange," they said, determination steeling their voice.

With a deep breath, Y/n charged at Strange, who effortlessly deflected their attacks with graceful motions, the Mirror Dimension warping in response to his every command. Streets turned into winding pathways that looped infinitely, and the sky fractured into shards of glass. Strange levitated above them, eyes glowing with mystic energy, hurling spells and sending ripples through the air.

Y/n dodged and weaved, struggling to keep up, but they were no match for Strange's mastery of this dimension. As the world twisted into chaos, Y/n found themselves trapped on a rotating platform, the ground tilting dangerously beneath them.

Strange hovered above, hands aglow with magic. "Give up, Y/n. This fight is over."

But Y/n's mind raced. They couldn't outfight Strange in the Mirror Dimension. But maybe... they could outthink him. Remembering what they'd learned from their time with Peter and the others, Y/n began to observe the patterns of the warping dimension, noticing the angles and rotations of the environment.

A plan started to form.

As Strange prepared to cast a final spell, Y/n sprinted toward the edge of the platform, then leaped into the air—straight into a seemingly endless spiral of buildings. Instead of fighting the pull of the dimension, they moved with it, using the shifting geometry to their advantage. They bounced between walls, using the warping structures to propel themselves closer to Strange.

Surprised by the maneuver, Strange faltered for just a moment—enough time for Y/n to launch themselves at him, using the rotation of the Mirror Dimension to send them careening toward him. With a swift motion, they grabbed the artifact from his grasp.

"How...?" Strange stammered, caught off guard by Y/n's unexpected use of the environment.

Y/n landed on a twisted rooftop, clutching the artifact tightly. "You're not the only one who can see the patterns, Strange. You think you control everything here, but I can find a way to work with it."

Strange's eyes narrowed in frustration. "You don't realize what you're doing. If you keep this up, the multiverse could collapse."

Y/n shook their head, breathing heavily. "I'm not letting you decide their fates, Strange. There's more to life than inevitability. We can make a different choice. There's always another way."

With that, Y/n slammed the artifact into the ground, shattering it and sending a pulse of energy through the Mirror Dimension. The world around them quivered and began to fall apart, the fractured glass-like structures starting to break away.

Strange's eyes widened as the dimension started to collapse, but before he could react, Y/n summoned their last bit of strength, creating a portal back to the real world. They dived through it, escaping just as the Mirror Dimension imploded behind them.

Back in the Sanctum, Y/n collapsed to their knees, exhausted but triumphant. They had done it—they had saved the villains, given them a chance to redeem themselves.

Doctor Strange appeared through a glowing portal, looking furious but also strangely impressed. He stared at Y/n for a long moment, then sighed.

"You have no idea the danger you've unleashed," he said, his tone softer now. "But... maybe you were right. Maybe fate doesn't always have to be so rigid."

Y/n looked up, still catching their breath. "We'll find another way, Strange. Together."

Strange nodded slowly. "Let's hope your gamble pays off."

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