Gynecologist || Sunny [My Little Pony: Make Your Mark]

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Sunny Starscout had always been adventurous, full of optimism, and curious about the world around her

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Sunny Starscout had always been adventurous, full of optimism, and curious about the world around her. As a pony, she had dedicated her life to bringing harmony between the different kinds of ponies—earth, unicorns, and pegasi. But now, standing in the middle of the bustling human world, she was discovering that some things were the same no matter where you were—like the importance of taking care of yourself.

After crossing into the human world, much like the transformation of Equestria Girls, Sunny had taken on a new form. She was no longer a pony, but a human with two legs, hands, and all the wonders—and complications—that came with it. It had been an exhilarating experience learning how to navigate this new world, but it had also come with its own set of challenges.

One of those challenges was understanding her new body. Unlike her days in Maretime Bay, where she never had to think about things like human anatomy, Sunny now had to deal with new sensations and responsibilities. And that led her to an appointment she had never thought she'd need—going to a gynecologist.

It wasn't something she had discussed much back in the pony world, but now, she was learning that reproductive health was an important part of being human. It was a topic that some still found uncomfortable to talk about, but Sunny was determined to embrace this part of herself with the same openness and positivity that she approached everything else in life.

Thankfully, she wasn't alone in this.

Her girlfriend, Y/n, had been there every step of the way. From the moment they met in the human world, they had shared a bond that transcended the differences between their worlds. Y/n, who had grown up in this world and understood its intricacies, had been incredibly supportive, always there to answer Sunny's questions and make her feel at ease. Today was no different.

As Sunny sat in the waiting room of the gynecologist's office, she nervously fidgeted with her hands. Y/n sat beside her, offering a reassuring smile.

"Hey, it's going to be fine," Y/n said, placing a comforting hand on Sunny's. "This is just a normal part of being human. Everyone goes through it."

Sunny nodded, her nerves calming slightly. "I know, it's just... different, you know? Back in Maretime Bay, I never had to think about these things. Now, I'm learning that being human comes with a whole new set of responsibilities."

Y/n chuckled softly. "That's true. But you're handling it amazingly. It's all part of taking care of yourself."

Sunny smiled, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort from Y/n's words. She had always prided herself on being strong and independent, but having Y/n by her side during moments like these made her realize how important it was to have someone to lean on.

The door to the office opened, and the doctor called her name. Sunny took a deep breath and stood up, squeezing Y/n's hand before letting go.

"Here we go," she said with a small smile.

Y/n nodded. "I'll be right here when you're done."

As Sunny walked into the doctor's office, she felt a sense of empowerment. This was part of her journey—both as a human and as someone who cared about her health. She sat down, and the doctor greeted her warmly, explaining that this was a routine check-up and nothing to be anxious about.

Sunny found herself relaxing as the appointment went on. The doctor was kind and professional, and they talked about the importance of reproductive health in a way that made Sunny feel informed and empowered. She realized that this was just another part of being human, something that everyone should prioritize. It wasn't something to be feared or ashamed of—it was simply about taking care of her body.

After the appointment, Sunny walked back out into the waiting room, feeling lighter and more confident. Y/n stood up and smiled at her.

"How was it?" Y/n asked.

Sunny smiled back. "It wasn't bad at all. Actually, I feel pretty good about it. It's nice to know I'm taking care of myself, and it's not as scary as I thought."

Y/n wrapped an arm around Sunny's shoulders as they left the office together. "See? I told you. It's all about normalizing it. Everyone should feel comfortable talking about their health, and it's great that you're taking charge of yours."

Sunny nodded, feeling a surge of pride. "You're right. It's important, and I'm glad I did it. I guess this is just another part of being a fucking human, huh?"

Y/n laughed softly. "Yep. It's all part of the experience."

As they walked hand in hand through the city, Sunny realized that this was what she loved most about her life now—not just the adventure or the excitement of being in a new world, but the understanding that taking care of herself, both physically and emotionally, was just as important as anything else. And with Y/n by her side, she knew she could face anything that came her way.

The gynecologist appointment had been a small step, but it was a significant one. It solidified the idea that health—whether it was in Equestria or the human world—was an integral part of living a full and happy life. And with the support of her girlfriend, Sunny felt ready to take on whatever came next.

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