Glitching || Red [Descendants: The Rise of Red]

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The sun shone brightly over Auradon Prep, casting a warm glow on the school grounds where students from both Auradon and the Isle of the Lost mingled together

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The sun shone brightly over Auradon Prep, casting a warm glow on the school grounds where students from both Auradon and the Isle of the Lost mingled together. The once impenetrable barrier that had separated them for so long was now a distant memory, and Y/n couldn't help but smile as she walked hand in hand with Red across the campus. The world felt full of possibilities, and Y/n's excitement was palpable.

"I can't believe we're finally here, Red! No more barriers, no more walls—just us and our dreams," Y/n said, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

But Red's smile was faint, her mind elsewhere. "Yeah... dreams," she murmured, her voice lacking the enthusiasm Y/n had hoped for.

Y/n frowned, squeezing Red's hand gently. "You've been quiet ever since we arrived. What's wrong?"

Red glanced at Y/n, her expression conflicted. "It's just... everything feels too perfect, too easy. We were always taught that Auradon was this fairytale paradise, but now that we're here, I can't help but wonder—where do we fit in? Where do I fit in?"

Y/n opened her mouth to respond, but before she could, a faint pulse of energy emanated from the crystal she wore around her neck. The crystal flickered, its usually steady glow now erratic and unstable. Y/n gasped as a wave of dizziness washed over her, and she stumbled, clutching the crystal tightly.

"Y/n!" Red exclaimed, catching her before she fell. "What's happening?"

"I-I don't know," Y/n stammered, her voice shaky. "The crystal... it's never done this before."

Red's eyes narrowed as she looked at the crystal. "We need to figure out what's causing this. If your magic is glitching, it could mean something serious is happening."

Y/n nodded, her fear mingling with determination. "You're right. But what could be powerful enough to affect the crystal like this?"

Over the next few days, the glitches in Y/n's crystal grew worse. It wasn't just her magic that was affected—other students reported similar issues, with spells going awry and enchantments failing unexpectedly. The once harmonious atmosphere at Auradon Prep began to fracture as fear and uncertainty spread among the students. Tensions between the children of heroes and villains resurfaced, old prejudices bubbling to the surface.

Red noticed the way people were starting to look at her and the other VKs (Villain Kids) again—suspicion, mistrust. The progress they had made in uniting the two worlds seemed to be unraveling before her eyes.

Determined to find the source of the glitches, Red dove into research, poring over ancient texts in the school library and consulting with the more knowledgeable students and faculty. She even ventured into the darker corners of the school, seeking out old magic and forgotten secrets.

One evening, while Red was deep in thought, Y/n approached her, a worried expression on her face. "Red, have you found anything?"

Red looked up, her eyes tired but resolute. "I think so. The glitches... they're not random. They seem to be connected to places where powerful magic was once used, especially dark magic. The problem is, Auradon was built on top of these old places, and when the barrier was broken, it seems like it disrupted the balance."

Y/n's heart sank. "But what does that mean for us? For everyone?"

"It means the magic that once separated us is now trying to tear us apart again," Red said, her voice heavy with the weight of her discovery. "And if we don't stop it, the division between heroes and villains could become permanent."

As the glitches continued to escalate, Red and Y/n realized that they needed to find the source of the disruption and restore balance before it was too late. With the help of their friends, they traced the epicenter of the magic to an old, forgotten chamber deep beneath Auradon Prep—once a place of great power, now a dormant threat.

When they finally reached the chamber, they were confronted with a sight that took their breath away: a massive crystal, pulsing with dark energy, its glow matching the erratic flickers of Y/n's crystal. Red could feel the raw, chaotic power emanating from it, threatening to tear the very fabric of Auradon apart.

"This is it," Red whispered, her voice filled with awe and dread. "This is what's been causing the glitches."

"But how the fuck do we stop it?" Y/n asked, her voice trembling.

Red took a deep breath, steeling herself. "We have to re-seal the magic, restore the balance. But to do that... we might have to sacrifice something important. Something that connects us to this world."

Y/n's eyes widened in realization. "The crystals..."

Red nodded solemnly. "They're linked to the magic here. If we destroy them, we might be able to stop the glitches, but it could also mean losing our connection to our own powers."

Y/n hesitated, looking at her crystal, the symbol of everything she had worked for. But then she looked at Red, saw the determination in her eyes, and knew what she had to do.

"Let's do it," Y/n said firmly. "For Auradon."

Together, Red and Y/n raised their crystals, channeling all their magic into them, pushing the chaotic energy back into the dormant crystal. The chamber shook as the power surged, but Red and Y/n held firm, their bond giving them the strength they needed.

Finally, with one last push, they shattered their crystals, the energy within them merging with the dark crystal, sealing it away once more. The chamber fell silent, the glitches gone, and the balance restored.

But as the dust settled, Y/n and Red realized the true cost of their victory. Their powers were gone, their crystals destroyed, leaving them feeling empty and lost.

In the days that followed, Auradon slowly returned to normal. The divisions between heroes and villains began to heal again, and life at Auradon Prep continued. But for Red and Y/n, things would never be the same.

Without their crystals, they were no longer the same powerful individuals they had been. But as they sat together on a hill overlooking the school, Red realized that maybe that wasn't such a bad thing.

"We may have lost our magic, but we still have each other," Y/n said, her voice soft but filled with hope.

Red smiled, feeling a weight lift from her heart. "And maybe that's enough. We don't need magic to be who we are. We just need to be true to ourselves."

As the sun set over Auradon, casting a golden glow over the land, Red and Y/n knew that their journey was far from over. But whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, with or without magic.

And in the end, that was all that mattered.

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