Encounter || Doctor Strange [Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness]

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The story begins with Y/n, a skilled sorcerer and street-smart companion who often works odd jobs in the magical underworld, crossing paths with Doctor Strange

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The story begins with Y/n, a skilled sorcerer and street-smart companion who often works odd jobs in the magical underworld, crossing paths with Doctor Strange. Their meeting takes place in the neon-lit alleyways of a lesser-known New York borough, where magic and mischief blend effortlessly with the shadows.

Doctor Strange is investigating a powerful artifact that has fallen into the wrong hands, while Y/n is involved in their own hustle—helping certain "clients" with magical enhancements for a price. Their first interaction is full of banter, as Y/n leans against the wall, eyeing Strange's signature cloak with a smirk.

"Strange, what brings you to my side of town? Looking for a little... magic of a different kind?" Y/n teases, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

 "I'm not here for that kind of business, Y/n. But I have to admit, you do have a way of making... interesting deals," Strange replies, a smirk tugging at his lips.

The two exchange playful jabs as Strange tries to extract information from Y/n about the whereabouts of a certain magical dealer. Y/n, always the flirt, makes things difficult.

"Tell you what, doc," Y/n says, circling him slowly, "I'll help you out... but you'll owe me. And not just in cash. Maybe you could... enhance some of my abilities, if you catch my drift."

"I'm not in the business of favors, Y/n, especially not that kind," Strange shoots back, his tone light but firm.

Despite their playful banter, the stakes get higher as they both realize that their goals are aligned—someone is abusing dangerous magical artifacts that could tear the fabric of reality apart. Y/n, known for having one foot in the morally gray zone, reluctantly agrees to team up with Strange, but only on their terms.

As they travel through the city's underbelly, investigating leads, the sexual tension between them grows, fueled by more suggestive comments and near-misses. Y/n constantly flirts with Strange, knowing it pushes his buttons, but also enjoying the challenge of cracking through his serious exterior.

At one point, after a narrow escape from a magical trap, Y/n leans in close, their breath hot against Strange's ear.

"You know, Strange, I never thought I'd say this, but I think you might actually be growing on me," Y/n whispers, brushing a hand against his arm.

"That's surprising, considering I'm not exactly your... clientele," Strange responds, his tone dry but with a hint of amusement.

"Oh, honey, with a little effort, anyone can be my clientele," Y/n teases back with a wink, before stepping away.

The two share a mutual understanding—Y/n's flirtations are more than just playful teasing; they're part of the dynamic that defines them. But beneath the surface, a respect grows between them as they work together to stop the threat. They find themselves in increasingly dangerous situations, and their back-and-forth remains full of innuendos.

"You know, doc, maybe after all this is over, we can find something a little... more fun to do with magic," Y/n suggests with a sultry tone after they manage to close a rift in the multiverse.

"I think I've had enough of your... particular kind of fun, Y/n. But I'll keep your offer in mind," Strange replies, rolling his eyes.

As the climax of the story approaches, they face down the villain responsible for the chaos. In the heat of battle, Y/n quips:

"Strange, if we survive this, how about we grab a drink? Maybe... test some of those 'favors' I've been talking about?"

"I'll consider it," Strange answers, just before launching into a spell to save the day.

The story wraps up with the villain defeated and Strange parting ways with Y/n. Despite all the flirtation and tension, there's a mutual understanding that neither is quite ready for whatever strange relationship they might have. But as Y/n watches Strange walk away, they smirk.

"He'll be back. They always come back," Y/n says to themselves, already thinking of the next time they'll cross paths.

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